Saturday, January 12, 2008


Since 2005 Homeland Security is supposed to take care of securing our country from the inside out. We don't even know who is supposed to be here, who the citizens are, who the illegals are. One way to tell who is legal is supposed to be through tamper-proof IDs, maybe through tamper-proof drivers' licenses. Compliance dates keep changing. Now the target date for full compliance is 2014! Are they kidding!!!!!! (And you probably won't hear about this on the news!)

It's another example of Congress' lack of integrity and pandering propensities. Don't lose possible votes. BUT ALSO DON'T PROTECT THE COUNTRY!

The ACLU, that un-American group which fights searches everyplace but at their own offices where you have to be searched to enter and who muffles the free speech of their own members, fights against any kind of national ID. What will change in 2014?

There is a complaint that these IDs are an expensive transition. This is the same government who is going to give two $40.00 vouchers to eligible households to convert their analog television sets to digital. Hmmmmmm Let's put these two ways of spending money on the IMPORTANCE SCALE. Guess we can see what Congress thinks is more important. Vouchers, bridges to an island with fifty inhabitants and a host of other pork! Security is way down on the list for them!!!!

One more thing to consider: We've got military men and women in far flung places all over the world protecting our freedom and our interests. They put their lives at risk and their families on hold. They sacrifice for our country WHILE THE PEOPLE WE ELECT TO PROTECT US CANNOT DO THE SIMPLEST THING from the relative safety of Washington. Perhaps the Pentagon should have remained the way 9/11 terrorists left it as a reminder.

We've already got the technology for these ID cards. At the very least, current licenses should be replaced by tamper proof multi-use licenses as they expire. At the very best, the money being wasted to pander to constituents should be diverted into ways to protect constituents, and a mass effort should be launched to issue cards to be used for driving, voting, boarding passes, etc. The only right an ID infringes on is the right to get killed by some terrorist in the country illegally.

Let your Congressman and Senator (if they're even in DC) know how you feel.

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