Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Barak Obama never had a shot at my vote, but having watched this latest mess unfold--the video clips, Obama's interview with Fox's Major Garrett and today's speech by him, here are 10 more reasons Barak Obama shouldn't get anyone's vote.

  1. He looked directly into the camera and denied to Major Garrett that he had ever had .... oops, I forgot for a second it wasn't Bill Clinton I was listening to .... denied he had ever heard or had an inkling of Pastor Jeremiah Wright's feelings.
  2. He told Major Garrett that had he known, he would have left that church.
  3. In Major Garrett's interview, he refused to condemn Wright's words and ideas: that the U.S. introduced AIDS as a means of genocide, that 9/11 was "chickens coming home to roost," that we supported apartheid in South Africa, sing not "God Bless America" but "God Damn America," didn't give a second thought to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, etc.
  4. He called Pastor Jeremiah Wright his spiritual guide and mentor. If not for the beliefs we heard, in what ways does Pastor Wright guide and mentor him? Obama's general phrase, "social gospel" is too general and Black Liberation Theology is too.
  5. Today he said he was aware of the Pastor's feelings but could not distance himself from the man any more than he could distance himself from his white grandmother who said she was afraid if a black man was approaching on the street. Are those comments moral equivalency? And what happened to the original denial? Someone is not telling the truth!!!! 'Fess up, Barak. We should worry when our potential president has a hatemonger as a spiritual advisor and mentor.
  6. Today he suggested that the kind of rhetoric spewing from Jeremiah Wright can be heard in churches and synagogues across the country. Not mine. Yours? I'd bet not. Is he suggesting that many clergyman like the idea of God Damn America? And do congregations chant and scream and rise up in agreement of anti-American sentiment? Not my experience.
  7. Obama suggested that he is the candidate to bring change to America and heal racial tensions. Seems to me that Obama is the poster boy for change in America. His candidacy attests to a changing America. He is the product of continuing change and forward motion. Until he brought it up, as early as when he claimed that he would never deal with someone who made despicable comments as Don Imus did and then going after Geraldine Ferraro and today by changing the real problem with Jeremiah Wright from his rabid anti-Americanism to problems with race relations, race was less of an issue in deciding on a candidate than it is today.
  8. When people questioned Michelle Obama's statements that she was finally proud of our country or that America was mean, I did not hear or read any suggested racial connection. So why is that coming up now? The Obama camp is using race as a defense, and that makes it an issue to consider in determining our next president.
  9. Obama has already admitted that he will seek advice before removing troops from Iraq. That's not quite the stance he originally took saying he would move them home immediately. Guess we can't trust his word there either.
  10. We still know so little about him, but what we are getting to know is that we cannot trust his word. If we cannot trust his word, we cannot trust his judgement for us as President.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Don't say I didn't warn you; way back in January, I wrote about Elliot Spitzer--his arrogance, his dis-service to the people of New York (http://a-big-bang.blogspot.com/search/label/New%20York)

Today's scandal as breaking news doesn't surprise me at all. Here is a guy who rode a wave of deceit into office, and with any luck, his deceit will wash him away with the tide. The statement he issued--read in a voice totally devoid of remorse--stated that politics is NOT about Private Individuals. NOT!!!! Even the NYTimes came out against that one! (I can't begin to deal with that hypocrisy here)

Spitzer billed himself a "clean-up" guy. When he was attorney general, he went after white collar criminals--big companies, etc. That's where he built his reputation. He was successful, but he didn't go after, for instance, drug conglomerates or other kinds of criminals. (contrast him with Rudy Guiliani, for instance)

He won big in New York, having fooled the populace (as skillful politicians often do), but immediately alienated people with "dirty tricks," using the State Police to go after opponents, particularly Joseph Bruno. Then he got himself into trouble offering illegals NYState driver's licenses. That even caught Hillary Clinton off guard, and that caused trouble. He talked about "steamrolling," and that backfired on him. During his short term, he has alienated the politicians, the press, and anybody who might have offered some sympathy to him.

With any luck, New York will be gone. No more busting prostitution rings; he's been busted. How's that for hubris (and irony)--a guy busted by a bust!

My advice is for Andrew Cuomo, our Attorney General. You go after high profile businesses too. How about working to clean up what immediately hurts us too. Your dad, Mario, used this tactic with high profile "causes." He didn't make it higher than governor. Methinks you've set your sights higher.

Friday, March 7, 2008


I wondered the other day (http://a-big-bang.blogspot.com/2008/03/irs-scores-points-on-stupidity-scale.html) how much money it cost US to have the IRS send those letters to millions of taxpayers reminding them to pay their 2007 taxes in order to get their rebates. The Associated Press today gaveus that amount--are you sitting--42 MILLION DOLLARS of our money. Can you believe the incredible nerve--the incredible gall of the IRS.


Today a key Obama campaign advisor resigned. Word is out that she called Hillary Clinton a "monster." She claims it was supposed to be off the record, but you'd have to wonder what brain freeze caused her to trust the press to keep mum on this juicy tidbit.

You can't make this stuff up. It gets better.

In her resignation statement she said that this pronouncement is at odds with all the other statements she has made saying that she admires Mrs. Clinton.

Which statement would you believe expresses her true feelings--the ones intended for public consumption or the presumably private comment not intended for us to hear? You know that old saying about how to protect yourself, "Go for the privates."

Between Obama 's brushing off the press yesterday claiming he'd already answered eight questions (big deal) and this, I'm trying to figure out what kind of HOPE and CHANGE this all represents.

When is this guy going to come out and say something substantive?

Monday, March 3, 2008


In terms of government stupidity and waste on a regular basis, the IRS is the place to look. A great point made by Steve Forbes running in the last presidential race and Mike Huckabee this time is that one of the biggest--if not THE biggest wasters of our tax money--is, ironically, the terrifying IRS, employing far too many, hounding far too many, and turning aside for the far too connected. Steve and Mike had specific reforms targeted, but each was/is an unlikely president.

Just today the IRS mailed out letters to 130 million taxpayers. Now remember that April 15th is right around the corner. The purpose of today's epistle: TO REMIND TAXPAYERS TO FILE THEIR 2007 TAX RETURNS IN ORDER TO GET THE REBATE promised as part of the economic stimulus package! DUH!

I'd like to know how many taxpayers had to work for how many days to pay for this mailing! I'd like to ask, "Can you think of a bigger waste?" but I'm afraid of the answer.

Have you heard any of the candidates address the problems of this unwieldy, cost-inefficient, bureaucratic monstrosity?