Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Don't say I didn't warn you; way back in January, I wrote about Elliot Spitzer--his arrogance, his dis-service to the people of New York (http://a-big-bang.blogspot.com/search/label/New%20York)

Today's scandal as breaking news doesn't surprise me at all. Here is a guy who rode a wave of deceit into office, and with any luck, his deceit will wash him away with the tide. The statement he issued--read in a voice totally devoid of remorse--stated that politics is NOT about Private Individuals. NOT!!!! Even the NYTimes came out against that one! (I can't begin to deal with that hypocrisy here)

Spitzer billed himself a "clean-up" guy. When he was attorney general, he went after white collar criminals--big companies, etc. That's where he built his reputation. He was successful, but he didn't go after, for instance, drug conglomerates or other kinds of criminals. (contrast him with Rudy Guiliani, for instance)

He won big in New York, having fooled the populace (as skillful politicians often do), but immediately alienated people with "dirty tricks," using the State Police to go after opponents, particularly Joseph Bruno. Then he got himself into trouble offering illegals NYState driver's licenses. That even caught Hillary Clinton off guard, and that caused trouble. He talked about "steamrolling," and that backfired on him. During his short term, he has alienated the politicians, the press, and anybody who might have offered some sympathy to him.

With any luck, New York will be gone. No more busting prostitution rings; he's been busted. How's that for hubris (and irony)--a guy busted by a bust!

My advice is for Andrew Cuomo, our Attorney General. You go after high profile businesses too. How about working to clean up what immediately hurts us too. Your dad, Mario, used this tactic with high profile "causes." He didn't make it higher than governor. Methinks you've set your sights higher.

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