Thursday, October 8, 2009


One of the holiest men in the world, the Dalai Lama, is in the U.S. to spread his never-ending word of peace and care for all mankind. Not only the leader of Buddhists in Tibet, this man has also raised the world's awareness of human rights violations. He is the 1981 recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. In Tibet, the homeland from which he was forced into exile by the Chinese, it is against the law of own a photo of the Dalai Lama.

Since 1991 when the Dalai Lama began visiting the United States, every President has met with this holy man at every opportunity. That is every President other than President Barak Obama. Obama “postponed” his meeting with the Dalai Lama until after he makes his first trip to China next month. Ironically, the Dalai Lama is here for a week of meetings with Congressional leaders and others. Even more ironic is that on Tuesday this man, who praises our original values of life, liberty, and equality, was presented the inaugural Lantos Human Rights Prize by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The prize honors his commitment to ending global injustice.

First we light up the Empire State Building with China’s colors to celebrate 60 years of communist rule there (forgetting the atrocities that occurred to bring the communists to power), and now we symbolically side with China against Tibet. It’s shameful.

Add this slight aimed at one of the most humane thinkers and spiritually pure people in the world to the fact that Barak Obama loudly derided President Bush for attending the opening Beijing Olympic ceremonies BECAUSE OF CHINA'S HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS. How’s that overt hypocrisy? How abhorrent is his actions now.

SO...another friend under the bus, another example of sizzle (empty campaign rhetoric) over substance, and a huge of example of hypocrisy. This from a dedicated community organizer—out to help the poor and downtrodden. Here's a blank space ______________. Think of an adjective to describe our President's principles. Feel free to post your adjective in the comment section of this post.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Here's something Noteworthy in Congress.

The House passed a bill that will eliminate the cost increase for Medicare in 2010. As originally planned, there was to be no COLA for Social Security recipients but there was to be a jump in Medicare Premiums.

However, on September 24, the House passed a bill eliminating that increase. People for whom Social Security provides a tight but doable budget can take a deep sigh and not begin to think about something else they might have to forgo.

While government accounting procedures may say there is no inflation, most people will probably agree that food costs have risen. While gas has come down from its high point, in my town it was still $2.79 yesterday. That's a drop, but it still strains the budget. There are predictions of an extremely cold winter this year accompanied with suggestions that fuel costs will rise this winter. It is a good thing that the Congresswoman who introduced this bill thought to lessen the impact somewhat for Seniors.

Nevada's Democratic Congresswoman, Dina Titus, sponsored the bill, and there were 54 co-sponsors. I emailed the Congresswoman with my thanks.

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There is a huge body count as Obama continues to throw folks Under the Bus.

Let's go back to the U.N. where he once again apologized for America to the world. He doesn't seem to get tired doing that, and this time he touted himself as the person making the change in our country. So he called on the world to leave their negative feelings (though well-earned) behind in this new and far better era. Americans under the bus.

He once again vocalized his extremely negative and antagonistic feelings toward Israel by doubting the legitimacy of Israel's claims dating back to 1967. That, of course, has prompted a self-righteous response from the Palestinians about those lands. Israel under the bus.

He refused to confront Iran, much to Sarkozy's chagrin. That information is still coming out. According to some sources, Obama did not want anything said about the “secret” nuclear facility, etc., because he did not want to tarnish his image in front of the U.N. France and the rest of the west, including us under the bus. If you watch any of the news videos, look at Sarkozy's expression as Obama speaks.

While we're still at the U.N., tell me why we are giving millions of dollars to charities in Qaddafi's Libya. This murderous but oil-rich dictator spent his time at the U.N. insulting and condemning the United States. He also welcomed home his “hero,” the man responsible for the Lockerbie bombing. That, apparently, is ok with Obama who has us additionally giving $200,000 each to two of Qaddafi's children for their foundations. The son, by the way, arranged for the bomber's release and arranged the welcome home party. Let's throw all the families of that heinous crime under the bus. (I note there is a question about the money to the kids as Congress questions; I could not find anything about the rest of the money) If you have info, please post a comment.

There was a special weekend at the end of September for Gold Star families. The newest families of our fallen could even register on line. The program was held on the lawn of the Capitol. Among the speakers was Kevin Bacon. I tried to find who represented the government. I want to know where the Commander-in-Chief of our military was or who he sent in his stead or read a statement honoring all the families that have lost children. I could not find a program, and I could not find an answer to my questions. If you know, please let me know. Otherwise, I add all members of the military and all the families who have lost their young people.

I can continue the military theme by Obama's delay in making a decision on Afghanistan and for not having Gates forward General McChrystal's report. Brings to mind the entire quotation “Ignorance is bliss when 'tis folly to be wise.” Most people do not look at the second part of that quotation.

Anything else? If you wish, comment or add to this list.

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Monday, September 21, 2009


In his latest Under the Bus Attack on our allies, Barak Obama COINCIDENTALLY on the 70th anniversary of Russia's invasion of Poland, abruptly cancelled the long-planned missile shield for Eastern Europe. The agreements with Poland and the Czech Republic, allies in our war in Iraq, cost their leaders political capital in their own countries. That doesn't matter to Obama. Russia's President Medvedev called Obama's action “a responsible move.” Of course this all comes only a few days before Obama meets with Medvedev at the United Nations and the Group of 20 economic summit. Let's make sure we support our "loyal friends and supporters."

Obama's reasoning, he says, is that Iran's nuclear capabilities were over-estimated.

Let's ignore the fact that the world's top atomic watchdog just released this report from Vienna: “Teheran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press. The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities.”

SO WHO'S LYING? Is Obama ever going to get tired of bending over to pick up the soap in the shower? It's obviously not torture to him.

Here's another first in the Obama presidency--in fact in all presidencies. He revoked the visa of the PRESIDENT OF HONDURAS because he sides with the left-leaning outstered former president, Zelaya, who wanted to change the Honduran Constitution to eliminate term limits, a move ruled unconstitutional by the Honduran Supreme Court who also had their visas revoked. AN ATROCITY LIKE THIS, A VISA REVOCATION OF ANOTHER COUNTRY'S LEADER HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. IT IS A BADGE OF SHAME AND A DISGRACE TO OUR NATION. Cozy up to Zelaya and Chavez. Pass judgement on another country's constitution. It's an interesting insight into Obama's beliefs and not really anything he did not reveal in his campaign—but people did not see Hope and Change for what it really is in this man's mind.

A pattern emerged quite early in the Obama administration. Throw Non-Believers Under the Bus. It became obvious when Obama didn't get his way at the April 2009 G20 summit when European leaders scoffed at Obama and generally agreed that the U.S. would no longer play the dominate role it has in the past. Especially vocal, if you remember was France's Nicolas Sarcozy who cited Obama's inexperience. I guess this jolted Obama's “I have a gift” ego.

We witnessed how he treated England's Prime Minister Gordon Brown, gifting him with 25 dvds of American movie classics, incompatible, btw, with English dvd players.. He added insult to injury by gifting Queen Elizabeth with an iPod containing, among other "treasures," recordings of his speeches.. He was also complicit in neglecting to invite the Queen, the only living head of state involved and displaying for her people an example of courage during World War II, to the D-Day Anniversary Ceremonies at Normandy.

He threw Georgia under the bus when the Russians violated their sovereignty despite the fact that Georgia is a country who supported us in our Iraq efforts.

Perhaps most heinous is throwing us, the United States, under the bus by cronying up to the likes of Hugo Chavez, Castro, and other far-left, radical, anti-American leaders. He put pressure on Israel, our only real ally in the Middle East representing the only democracy in that area while he bowed to the Saudis and pledged money to repair damage caused in Gaza as Israel defended itself against daily bombing attacks in cities like Sderot.

Let's not forget the guaranteed bond holders who were called unpatriotic for actually wanting what the law guaranteed them when the car companies were appropriated by the government.
Let's not forget the seniors who will be facing government devised tables that decide when an “investment” in their health will bring a fair return on the money spent. Senator McCaskell stated yesterday that she wants to save money by denying wheelchairs and mechanized scooters.
Let's not forget the honest protesters at tea parties and town hall meetings—many who voted for Obama (to their everlasting shame)--who have been called unpatriotic.
Let's not forget people who dare to disagree are racist, branded by, among others, racist anti-Semite Jimmy Carter, two of whose books are highly recommended by that astute literary critic Osama bin Laden.
Let's not forget that dissenters are possible home-grown terrorists according to Homeland Security's Janet Napolitano, and just yesterday as proponents of violence as a teary-eyed (as much as possible with such massive amounts of botox in her face) Nancy Pelosi suggested. True, Obama doesn't comment. He could stop the madness, but it is all part of the game plan.

AND LET'S NOT FORGET FOX NEWS, especially with Obama appearing on five Sunday news programs yesterday—including on Univision (What the heck is that?) and the late night programs as well. THAT'S THROWING EVERY FOX NEWS VIEWER UNDER THE BUS. IT TELLS US WE ARE UNIMPORTANT AND THAT WE DON'T COUNT. I GUESS OBAMA IS NOT EVERYONE'S PRESIDENT, JUST HIS SUPPORTERS'.

I will keep mentioning UNDER THE BUS tactics. No doubt there will be many more.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009


If you’re American, the Constitution is your guarantee of personal liberty. To further understand this uniquely American document, read Mark Levin’s Liberty and Tyranny. Levin explains our Constitution, the firm foundation of our great country, in both its historical and modern contexts. He traces interpretations, attitudes, and our history through this document.

As the Federalist Papers explained to the early Americans why the colonies’ best interests would be served by joining together, Liberty and Tyranny explains why the Constitution limits rather than extends government's powers. It is essential reading, interesting, thoroughly footnoted, and a fascinating look at the Constitution through scholarly eyes. Yet it is never dry or didactic. It becomes a compelling read—even on vacation.

Levin divides the Constitution thematically so we can follow not only the reasons for its inception but also how it has impacted our history and sometimes the world. We’re also made thoroughly aware of the reasons it was constructed as it was, including why amending it is an arduous, thought-provoking process.

America is still working to live up to the Constitution’s grand expectations of us as a country, a people, and an ideal. As in everyday life, even when we know something is the right thing to do, it is not always a path we follow. Levin deals with some of the obvious issues that fall into this category, and his ideas are quite interesting. The Constitution set us up as an example of freedom, yet as human beings the actualization of that ideal has followed a tortuous path not yet fully resolved. We, as Americans, have a goal as part of our national fabric, and we continue trying to make that goal a reality. What other country in the world operates on that possibility? What past civilization offered its citizens that possibility?

Levin also traces the different influences on the Constitution’s interpretation through the actions of politicians and Supreme Court justices. Once the seed of change is planted, it can grow and change in both good and bad ways. But if one follows the prescribed course of change, errors can be corrected without toppling the country, and good can be produced. For good or bad, both parties have followed both positive and negative paths, and Levin points this out.

Levin is a conservative, preferring to follow the Constitution closely rather than loosely interpreting it. To him, it is not living and breathing; rather it is the solid bedrock upon which the United States rests, upon which the United States finds its strength to stand. Measured steps outrank rash and hurried changes, and knowledge of history and the brilliant men who composed this document are essential to understanding it. That is exactly what Levin shares with us.

If I sound awed, I am. There is a reason why Liberty and Tyranny is #2 on the New York Times bestseller list even though the Times’ description of it as a "manifesto" is way off the mark. To be #2 means there is a far larger audience than the Times’ description would indicate. I guarantee, whether Levin’s philosophy is yours or not, you will come away enriched.

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Saturday, August 15, 2009




The flap between Major Garrett and Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs extends right into my home. Coincidentally I happened to be listening to the news conference live when Garrett asked his question. I received that day the same unsolicited email that Garrett alluded to and that Gibbs ingenuously questioned—publicly impugning Garrett’s honesty. Gibbs doubted that such a thing could happen. IT DID.

I’ve got a lot of questions, but here are a basic few:

1. How did the White House get my email address?
2. Why is the White House sending me emails? I didn’t sign up for them.
3. Since the White House cannot purge emails because of federal regulations, into what kind of “file” have I been relegated?
4. Since this email is no more than SPAM, why didn’t my hotmail filter send it immediately to Junk Mail?
5. What right has the White House using these email addresses as an advertising tool to spread propaganda? I specifically use the word propaganda because of the content of the email which I will copy and paste on this post so you can see what David Axelrod, Obama’s political advisor and sometime spokesman is up to.
6. And maybe in the bigger scheme of things, this is the most important question: Since the White House, Congress, and much of the media is complaining that the Town Hall meetings are attended by people who are organizing against healthcare (just as they said about the Tea Parties), what would they call this behavior????

If this isn’t organizing on a big scale, what is it? And unlike the websites that suggest people show up at meetings to voice their opinions an TO WHICH INDIVIDUALS GO OF THEIR OWN VOLITION, this organizational effort is unsolicited, unwanted, and at least in my case, against my will and A BASIC INVASION OF MY PRIVACY.

This tactic is being perpetrated on us by the same people who objected, as an invasion of privacy, to finding out who was checking out library books that describe, among other things, how to construct bombs. You’ve got a right to learn how to build bombs, apparently, but no right to voice your opinion if it’s not in line with the Obama administration. Gives one pause to think.


Dear Friend,

This is probably one of the longest emails I’ve ever sent, but it could be the most important.

Across the country we are seeing vigorous debate about health insurance reform. Unfortunately, some of the old tactics we know so well are back — even the viral emails that fly unchecked and under the radar, spreading all sorts of lies and distortions.

As President Obama said at the town hall in New Hampshire, “where we do disagree, let's disagree over things that are real, not these wild misrepresentations that bear no resemblance to anything that's actually been proposed.”

So let’s start a chain email of our own. At the end of my email, you’ll find a lot of information about health insurance reform, distilled into 8 ways reform provides security and stability to those with or without coverage, 8 common myths about reform and 8 reasons we need health insurance reform now.

Right now, someone you know probably has a question about reform that could be answered by what’s below. So what are you waiting for? Forward this email.


David Axelrod
Senior Adviser to the President

P.S. We launched this week to knock down the rumors and lies that are floating around the internet. You can find the information below, and much more, there. For example, we've just added a video of Nancy-Ann DeParle from our Health Reform Office tackling a viral email head on. Check it out:

8 ways reform provides security and stability to those with or without coverage
1. Ends Discrimination for Pre-Existing Conditions: Insurance companies will be prohibited from refusing you coverage because of your medical history.
2. Ends Exorbitant Out-of-Pocket Expenses, Deductibles or Co-Pays: Insurance companies will have to abide by yearly caps on how much they can charge for out-of-pocket expenses.
3. Ends Cost-Sharing for Preventive Care: Insurance companies must fully cover, without charge, regular checkups and tests that help you prevent illness, such as mammograms or eye and foot exams for diabetics.
4. Ends Dropping of Coverage for Seriously Ill: Insurance companies will be prohibited from dropping or watering down insurance coverage for those who become seriously ill.
5. Ends Gender Discrimination: Insurance companies will be prohibited from charging you more because of your gender.
6. Ends Annual or Lifetime Caps on Coverage: Insurance companies will be prevented from placing annual or lifetime caps on the coverage you receive.
7. Extends Coverage for Young Adults: Children would continue to be eligible for family coverage through the age of 26.
8. Guarantees Insurance Renewal: Insurance companies will be required to renew any policy as long as the policyholder pays their premium in full. Insurance companies won't be allowed to refuse renewal because someone became sick.
Learn more and get details:

8 common myths about health insurance reform
1. Reform will stop "rationing" - not increase it: It’s a myth that reform will mean a "government takeover" of health care or lead to "rationing." To the contrary, reform will forbid many forms of rationing that are currently being used by insurance companies.
2. We can’t afford reform: It's the status quo we can't afford. It’s a myth that reform will bust the budget. To the contrary, the President has identified ways to pay for the vast majority of the up-front costs by cutting waste, fraud, and abuse within existing government health programs; ending big subsidies to insurance companies; and increasing efficiency with such steps as coordinating care and streamlining paperwork. In the long term, reform can help bring down costs that will otherwise lead to a fiscal crisis.
3. Reform would encourage "euthanasia": It does not. It’s a malicious myth that reform would encourage or even require euthanasia for seniors. For seniors who want to consult with their family and physicians about end-of life decisions, reform will help to cover these voluntary, private consultations for those who want help with these personal and difficult family decisions.
4. Vets' health care is safe and sound: It’s a myth that health insurance reform will affect veterans' access to the care they get now. To the contrary, the President's budget significantly expands coverage under the VA, extending care to 500,000 more veterans who were previously excluded. The VA Healthcare system will continue to be available for all eligible veterans.
5. Reform will benefit small business - not burden it: It’s a myth that health insurance reform will hurt small businesses. To the contrary, reform will ease the burdens on small businesses, provide tax credits to help them pay for employee coverage and help level the playing field with big firms who pay much less to cover their employees on average.
6. Your Medicare is safe, and stronger with reform: It’s myth that Health Insurance Reform would be financed by cutting Medicare benefits. To the contrary, reform will improve the long-term financial health of Medicare, ensure better coordination, eliminate waste and unnecessary subsidies to insurance companies, and help to close the Medicare "doughnut" hole to make prescription drugs more affordable for seniors.
7. You can keep your own insurance: It’s myth that reform will force you out of your current insurance plan or force you to change doctors. To the contrary, reform will expand your choices, not eliminate them.
8. No, government will not do anything with your bank account: It is an absurd myth that government will be in charge of your bank accounts. Health insurance reform will simplify administration, making it easier and more convenient for you to pay bills in a method that you choose. Just like paying a phone bill or a utility bill, you can pay by traditional check, or by a direct electronic payment. And forms will be standardized so they will be easier to understand. The choice is up to you – and the same rules of privacy will apply as they do for all other electronic payments that people make.
Learn more and get details:

8 Reasons We Need Health Insurance Reform Now
1. Coverage Denied to Millions: A recent national survey estimated that 12.6 million non-elderly adults – 36 percent of those who tried to purchase health insurance directly from an insurance company in the individual insurance market – were in fact discriminated against because of a pre-existing condition in the previous three years or dropped from coverage when they became seriously ill. Learn more:
2. Less Care for More Costs: With each passing year, Americans are paying more for health care coverage. Employer-sponsored health insurance premiums have nearly doubled since 2000, a rate three times faster than wages. In 2008, the average premium for a family plan purchased through an employer was $12,680, nearly the annual earnings of a full-time minimum wage job. Americans pay more than ever for health insurance, but get less coverage. Learn more:
3. Roadblocks to Care for Women: Women’s reproductive health requires more regular contact with health care providers, including yearly pap smears, mammograms, and obstetric care. Women are also more likely to report fair or poor health than men (9.5% versus 9.0%). While rates of chronic conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure are similar to men, women are twice as likely to suffer from headaches and are more likely to experience joint, back or neck pain. These chronic conditions often require regular and frequent treatment and follow-up care. Learn more:
4. Hard Times in the Heartland: Throughout rural America, there are nearly 50 million people who face challenges in accessing health care. The past several decades have consistently shown higher rates of poverty, mortality, uninsurance, and limited access to a primary health care provider in rural areas. With the recent economic downturn, there is potential for an increase in many of the health disparities and access concerns that are already elevated in rural communities. Learn more:
5. Small Businesses Struggle to Provide Health Coverage: Nearly one-third of the uninsured – 13 million people – are employees of firms with less than 100 workers. From 2000 to 2007, the proportion of non-elderly Americans covered by employer-based health insurance fell from 66% to 61%. Much of this decline stems from small business. The percentage of small businesses offering coverage dropped from 68% to 59%, while large firms held stable at 99%. About a third of such workers in firms with fewer than 50 employees obtain insurance through a spouse. Learn more:
6. The Tragedies are Personal: Half of all personal bankruptcies are at least partly the result of medical expenses. The typical elderly couple may have to save nearly $300,000 to pay for health costs not covered by Medicare alone. Learn more:
7. Diminishing Access to Care: From 2000 to 2007, the proportion of non-elderly Americans covered by employer-based health insurance fell from 66% to 61%. An estimated 87 million people - one in every three Americans under the age of 65 - were uninsured at some point in 2007 and 2008. More than 80% of the uninsured are in working families. Learn more:
8. The Trends are Troubling: Without reform, health care costs will continue to skyrocket unabated, putting unbearable strain on families, businesses, and state and federal government budgets. Perhaps the most visible sign of the need for health care reform is the 46 million Americans currently without health insurance - projections suggest that this number will rise to about 72 million in 2040 in the absence of reform. Learn more:

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009


As Barak Obama continues his assault on the American People regarding health care, he is beginning to show his true side, and it is desperately pathetic. So used to the unending adulation of his public, he has regressed to a whining and complaining little boy who sputters half truths in order to get his way.

In the last few days he has emphatically stated that Republicans will not go along with him because this will be his "Waterloo." He accuses them of trying to "torpedo" his plan in order to gain politically. Obama claims the Republicans want no change to health care in the country. I've heard Republicans and others suggest for years that tort reform would work on the problem of malpractice lawsuits and all the accompanying costs involved in doctors and hospitals protecting themselves. That was a big part of President George W. Bush's plan to work on health care--a plan firmly trounced by the Democats in Congress.

This issue does not appear to be addressed in the new bill. To see who stands to gain, look at people like John Edwards for whom medical malpractice was his road to millionairedom.

Additionally, Obama has totally disregarded the 57 blue dog Democrats who realize this health care plan is, at the very least, fiscally irresponsible. He never mentions dissension within his own party. The truth is there are doubters on both sides of the aisle; he tells us half the story.

Obviously, President Obama, the man who was going to bring transparency to the presidency, doesn't even want to tell us the truth.

Let's deal with the bill itself--a bill presented in such a hazy way that one would expect it will fix every problem in health care without taking away our choices, freedoms, or money (except for the rich who won't miss it anyway). Here perhaps we should be grateful for half truths because most of what we are hearing are out and out lies!

Rahm Emmanuel is still pushing for a vote before the recess, but members of Congress have not read read the bill. That's exactly what happened with the stimulus package. How can one vote intelligently without having read and digested the information? How do I know they haven't read the bill--aside from the obvious that the President wants the vote before the recess but the bill is not yet completed?

On page 389 of the proposed legislation, there are references to the "mentally retarded." Agree or not, this is now considered a politically incorrect term bringing all kinds of criticism when used in movies, etc. Yet Congress allows this wording in its bill and NO ONE has objected to the term. I guess no one read as far as page 389.

The age where there must be a determination about using aggressive procedures to fight illness is 65. You read that right. Yet the claim is that AARP supports the legislation. Why would they want to hurt their membership? Do the older supporters of Obama and his plan realize that their lives may be sacrificed in order to save younger people? Shall we call Obama the Soylent Green President?

Who makes the determination concerning aggressive care? The person suggested is the Surgeon General. Who is the Surgeon General? The President has nominated a doctor whose practice has done wonderful things for poor people. She runs clinics. She is well respected and is obviously a good woman and hopefully an excellent physician. BUT she is not associated with teaching or research hospitals. Her experience is not with the cutting edge techniques consistently being developed, and there is no way that she can be up to speed in these areas. Yet she and her staff (who selects them?) will make health care decisions for the entire country--health care decisions that should be made by the patient and his/her physician. When President Obama says CHOICE, he obviously is not talking about choice of the individual; he is talking about choice of the government. ANOTHER TWISTING OF THE TRUTH.

Speaking about sacrifice, let's look at how this kind of health care works in other areas.

Massachusetts with Mitt Romney's health care design is going broke due to the exhorbitant costs. The projected cost and the real cost had nothing in common. Waits to see doctors are long, and tests are scheduled weeks down the road.

The cancer death rates in Canada are 17% higher than in the U.S. despite a smaller population. Long wait times for tests mean long wait times for treatment. The same cancer death rate difference exists in England. Canadians who are able come to the U.S. for improved treatment.

Canadians also come here for certain appliances such as hearing aids. At a dinner in Montreal, I was discussing my digital hearing aids which are more sensitive and versatile. Canadians are offered old fashioned analog hearing aids. The ability to pay for the more expensive and more sensitive digital aids does not factor into any decision. Analog is cheaper and the government needs to take away choice in order to supply everyone equally.

When we were in Ireland in the fall of '07, we read of two health scandals in government-run health care United Kingdom. A hospital in England, in order to cut laundry costs, simply flipped the sheets when one patient left and before the next arrived. The result was a staph infection epidemic! The second scandal concerned Ireland's return to do-it-yourself dentistry by people with toothache pain so severe they couldn't suffer through the long waits to see the dentist. They resorted to many ways of removing their teeth including the old string on the doorknob game. If you find this hard to believe, don't. It is the whole truth.

The President talks about taxing only the rich to pay for this plan. He neglected to add that he is considering an excise tax on plans that go above and beyond the government sponsored plan. Here he will tax the insurance companies that offer "gold-plated" plans. That means if you or I are paying more for better coverage, our audacity will be punished. If we feel insurance is the way we wish to spend our money, we will be punished in order to pay for people who choose to spend their money in other ways--a large percentage of the uninsured are young people who do not see health insurance as a personal necessity. They will lose their right to choose as well. Do you see your liberty being threatened little by little? You should. Bye Bye "gold-plated" plans. If you were an insurance company paying extra taxes, would you continue to offer them?

As a matter of fact, bye bye insurance companies. Not today, but down the road. They will be unable to compete with government sponsored plans.

Let's deal with another problem with truth. The Franking Commission which decides when Congress-sponsored mail to constituents travels postage free, has decided that the term "government-sponsored health care" is a partisan term and disqualifies for free postage any Congressman or Senator who employs that term. The appropriate term, "public option," is to be used instead. How's that for Freedom of Speech?! How's that for issuing half truths or lies (you make the call) to the public. Keep 'em ignorant and you'll keep 'em under your thumb.

Here's an interesting lack of truthfulness. This health plan is supposedly designed to give all Americans the best of care. When an amendment was offered to insist that the President and members of Congress sign on to this plan, the amendment was not even included in the bill. The people crafting this wonderous plan all know the truth, and they are not going for it any more than we should go for it.

One last point (although I can go on) before this post gets any longer (and it could). Obama's people keep talking about 47 million uninsured. There is a saying, "Figures never lie but liers figure."

That statistic includes people who can afford insurance but choose not to have it (primarily younger people). They will be forced by law to buy insurance.

That number includes illegal immigrants in this country. Do you want your tax money to make sure the people who are here by breaking the law are supported by law to have health care while yours may very well be compromised in order to do that?

That statistic, a yearly statistic, includes anyone who does not have insurance for even one day--a person who changes jobs, for instance, or a person who opts for different coverage and there is a lag between the time when one ends and another begins.

The whole truth is that we are not getting the whole truth. But if these proposals become law, we will be giving up choices about our health, end-of-life issues, and our money. To me this means giving up freedom to which our Federal Government has no right. Technorati Tags:
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Friday, July 24, 2009


When you read this article remember who our commander-in-chief is. Then weep.

Please also remember that President Bush did not support al-Malaki to begin with, but the Iraqi people voted for him as Prime Minister (hmmmm...the people voted in the wrong man who is leading the country down the wrong path--gosh, that sounds familiar)

The "militant" released allegedly has ties to Iran and to the "cleric" Mutada al Sadr. The Iraqis bill this "catch and release" as part of a "wider reconciliation plan." The militant's group will hand over heavy weapons at some point as the reconciliation continues. Also some British hostages will be released. Yeah, right. When do they get their milk and cookies?

So let's get this straight--a terrorist responsible for killing one GI on site and taking four others to a remote site and killing them, who was captured in 2006 when Bush was commander-in-chief, will be released by the U.S. in 2009 when Obama is commander-in-chief to the Iraqis who will free him as part of a reconciliation with the very people who want to bring down the Iraqi government. Does that sound like a good plan to any thinking person? And fowhat did those five GIs give their lives?

Friday, July 17, 2009


This video is Barbara Boxer showing her true colors. This Senator from California is a disgrace to everything the country stands for, yet she is making and voting for rules by which we all must live. Trust the government to speak for me? No.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Some time ago I wrote of Obama's attitude toward people who take their fiscal responsibilities seriously—punishingly tax them into oblivion to support those who don't or won't accept their own responsibilities. Goodbye middle class. The same destructive approach is now being used against big financial companies.

Under the Obama plan, big companies like Citi and Goldman Sachs would not be forbidden; instead they would be regulated so strictly it would be a disadvantage to be a big company. The Federal Reserve would be in charge of the scrutiny. We've already seen how incompetently the fed protected us from the current financial crisis. Why should we expect more now?

What's really interesting, however, is the Administration's explanation of the plans. They will not forbid; they will just make existence inordinately complex and expensive so that the big companies cannot or will not expand.

“Without banning them, we're providing some pretty heavy penalties for entering the top group of institutions that could pose a risk to the entire financial system,” said Diana Farrell, deputy director of the White House's National Economic Council.

“The regulator might say to a large institution,’ Make sure there is very good reason to get that big, or that interconnected, or that complex because the penalties will wipe out any advantages, such as lower cost of capital, you might have,'” she said.

So much for the free enterprise system. So much for capitalism. Say goodbye to risk taking too. What would be the point of investing in a company threatened with severe penalties if it grows too big (and successful)? It would be like buying a Pontiac today. Would you really trust mechanical and parts support from a government-owned car company that will no longer manufacture Pontiacs? Buyers beware!

Think of the regulator. Who will decide on the new rules of the road for these companies? Upon what economic theories will decisions be based? Where is the threshold over which no company may cross? Will there exist the same “moving barrier” that was erected for the banks to hurdle in the shape of “tests” the government devised? Are we dealing with economic laws or social engineering? In the end, the Obama administration is protecting one entity—itself. It cannot be blamed for destroying these financial behemoths. In less refined parlance, that's called CYA.

There's such a predictable pattern to Obama's programs.

1 Replace private business with a government entity or
Create or extend a governmental hierarchy to oversee this entity
2 Develop punitive and expensive regulations to weaken private industry or
Make sure the government entity appears more attractive than the private entity
3 Over time observe the private business' inability to sustain itself and fail
4 Socialize the industry

We've seen the pattern in the banking industry where the government would not accept loan re-payment thereby keeping banks under the government's spreading thumb. Then “tests” were developed to check on each bank's success. When too many passed, new tests were developed.

We've seen the pattern in the auto industry where unions were mollified and Fiat was the winner. Bondholders were shown that the rule of law only applies when the Administration needs it. We will see how government-backed GMAC does as prime lender to the industry, and we'll see if the auto company can turn a profit on its own. We'll also see if the jobs lost by dealers, and the dealerships lost by the community (and collateral damage to other business in the community) will be replaced in the new economic structure.

In Healthcare, we'll have to watch as care is rationed, private insurers go under, those offering their employees benefits are penalized in some fashion, and employee benefits are taxed.

We better wake up. We better get in touch with our representatives and wake them up. We better do this before it's too late.
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Friday, July 10, 2009

Al Gore Might be Sued by 30,000 Scientists!

Here's a great clip featuring John Coleman, founder of the weather channel. He claims 30,000 scientists want to sue Al Gore over the Global Warming Fraud. Listen to Coleman's explanation.

Friday, July 3, 2009


If we are not frightened by what is going on around us in the Federal Government, we've stuck our heads so far down into the sand that ostriches have nothing on us. In fact, we may have chosen to stick our heads in quick sand! It doesn't appear that the Obama administration is going to stop the reckless spending, the intrusion into private industry or the usurpation of states' rights. There is the problem that Congress is not reading bills before they are passed. There is the problem of smokescreens that blunt the press' reportage of the country in favor of the spectacle.

Christine Romer was just interviewed on television. This MIT Ph.d and former Berkley professor is part of the Obama economic team. Here's the skinny right from the horse's mouth concerning the effectiveness the Stimulus package. It is the same stimulus package that had to be passed immediately without time for Congress to read it and without time to separate the wheat from the chaff.

1. Only 4% of the money has thus far been dispersed.
2. By the end of the year, only 23% will have been dispersed.
3. Despite campaign promises (though she admits the Obama campaign had no “crystal ball”), unemployment, today at 9.5% is quickly approaching double digits. It is at its highest level in 26 years. (I note that double digit unemployment is endemic in socialist France and Spain)
4. Despite campaign promises, there is no predicted “end” to the recession. There is hope it will moderate by the end of this year—or next year. (Or….)

In other words, even the Administration cannot conceal the abysmal failure of the Stimulus package that has slam dunked this country and its future generations into a money pit of debt. But we, the people, are not hearing or reading of this in the news outlets. We are, except for those who search for news, being kept in a stupored ignorant state,

Yesterday CNN, reporting on California's tragic budget crisis giving rise to the issuance of IOUs to workers—an interesting turn as I assume no mortgage companies, grocery stores, gas stations, etc. will accept those IOUs in lieu of payment—stated that most troubled state governments are using the stimulus money to close budget gaps. That means paying their own bills! How in the world will that use stimulate the economy? The simple and obvious answer is that it will not. In reading the scenario, however, one can readily see how, despite the massive debt we are building to countries like China, our problems will only worsen. When the aforementioned companies, stores and gas stations do not accept IOUs, how will they pay their employees or restock their shelves or refill their tanks? And so the snowball rolls.

While I'm on the subject of CNN, this morning their “money girl” sat with Kiran Chetry and explained how money “experts” are “sifting through the numbers” looking for signs of economic improvement. That’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. But when the “experts” find one sign, that's what they report, and it makes poll numbers change on the populace's long-term outlook. These days the polls have slightly increased in the belief that things are looking a touch better. I think of that old adage, “Figures never lie but liars figure.” I also pray that offering HOPE will be an acceptable way to pay one's bills. (Does one say, "I HOPE to pay"?)

With the untimely deaths of Michael Jackson and Farah Fawcett grabbing the headlines so many of the country did not realize the House barely passed the Cap and Trade bill, a bill that will severely impact on our way of life. Now it goes to the Senate where it hopefully will be stopped. Nevertheless, one piece of the bill keeps hitting the news—Fox News—that is. When a homeowner wants to sell his home, the house must first be inspected and the seller must upgrade to fulfill any energy requirements the Federal government has instituted. Who decides on these requirements? Who does the inspections for the government? How does one factor in the cost of the improvements to the selling price of the house? None of these issues are addressed in any but the most general way, but they will impact every single seller in this country in a major and very specific way. Think about it.

I called Congressman John Hall's office twice before the vote on the Cap and Trade. I left a message at his NY office, and spoke to someone in the DC office. When I said that there was no way the Congressman could have read the 300+ page Waxman amendment submitted at 3AM that morning and therefore how could the Congressman vote intelligently on the final legislation, the answer I received was, “Good question.” No kidding. John Hall, by the way, voted for the bill. Why? Good question. I hope the Democratic party gave him a reward treat—perhaps a doggie biscuit for doing well in obedience school.

I guess I will continue banging my head against the wall by contacting my two Senators—don't laugh—Schumer and Gillibrand—asking them to consider us, their constituents, first. I do believe EVERYONE SHOULD CONTACT SENATORS to let them know how awful it will be to bury what’s left of the country in Chinese debt and to send what's left of our business to countries who do it for less. Meanwhile, it's interesting that Obama is against any trade restrictions. All of a sudden he is a free market dude. He'll create jobs, all right. Only they won't be in America.

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