Saturday, August 16, 2008


The problems in Georgia and Poland should give the world pause.

Russia is not our friend! Putin is not our friend! Russia is just lying in wait until it can rebuild the Soviet Union by ensnaring all those countries on its borders which haven’t the strength or alliances to protect themselves.

Americans were surprised when those small countries, relatively newly freed from the Soviet Union’s domination, volunteered to help us in Iraq, but those countries do not take freedom for granted having lived under the grinding Soviet heel for so long. They understand the purpled fingers of joyous people who get to vote. They understand the struggle and sacrifice it is to make a democracy work.

Georgia’s struggle is the struggle of all free people. The United States took the lead in supporting them.

Poland signed a treaty with us to place ten defensive missiles there. Russia immediately threatened Poland stating that by agreeing to this placement, Poland is in danger of nuclear attack from Russia. Indeed, it would AIM its missiles with nuclear warheads at Poland. Today that threat was modified to say that would be the case IF Russia and the U.S. go to war. A map, however, shows that missiles from Russia toward the U.S. would not fly over the range of those ten U.S. missiles in Poland.

Whose missiles aimed at the U.S. would fly over that area in Poland? Iran’s missiles. Just as the U.S. said when it first proposed the system to protect against rogue nations. Remember, too, we received no help from NATO in proposing a defensive missile system.

CNN this morning suggested we provoked Russia to issue that threat, but CNN would like to paint us as the world’s enemy as often as it can. After all, Iran’s buildup of nuclear power is merely peaceful. Isn’t it????

Western Europe is mum about Russia’s invasion of Georgia. They’ve been happy allowing us to take the lead in protecting the world, and they vetoed Ukraine’s and Georgia’s membership in NATO. The U.S. has already sent humanitarian aid to Georgia while Europe is afraid to confront Russia and its oil. The only pipeline bringing oil from the Caspian Sea that does not traverse Russia is the one that traverses Georgia. So Europe is pretending this will all go away. Just as Europe sat back and allowed Hitler to invade sovereign countries, they will appease Russia.

History tells us where the appeasement (milk & cookies approach) led. Ernest Hemingway, then a reporter, warned the world about Hitler and Mussolini when he correctly called the Spanish Civil War a testing ground for the fascists. He predicted a world war within ten years. Hmmmmm

All of this takes us inevitably to our presidential candidates.

Obama wants all this at the U.N. and the Security Council. Duh! Russia has veto power on the Security Council. Does Obama really think Russia will vote for its own condemnation in any form?

McCain, who has been to Georgia on numerous occasions and who has vacationed there, said the U.S. must take a pro-active stand, though not a military one, in shoring up the country’s fragile democracy.

Both candidates applauded the President’s quick response with humanitarian aid.

Once again, Obama proves he just doesn’t get it!!!!

And good for President Bush, who had Condeleeza Rice there making an American stand for Georgia’s fledgling democracy. Much better a war of words than a war.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


On July 29th I warned that we would be flooded with news of failing infrastructure. Yesterday, our local rag, The Times Herald Record, screamed loud and clear from its front page that 61 area bridges etc. are in need of repair!!!!! SIXTY ONE. This morning on TV, CNN announced that 25% of the bridges in the country are in need of repair. ONE IN FOUR! All this as we are bombarded with reminders of the horrific bridge collapse about a year ago. That bridge is scheduled to re-open in Sept. This morning there was a news piece on the baby born after his pregant mother survived that collapse. It's all leading up to the same thing--a rise in gasoline taxes.

That as Congress calls it quits for the summer and leaves without any help for Americans. This when independent truck drivers are barely making ends meet. This when many Americans are having trouble getting to work. AT LEAST THE REPUBLICANS PROTESTED THE BREAK AND STAYED, DEMANDING THE DEMOCRATS RETURN AND GET IT DONE. They turned off the mics and lights on the Republicans.

The Republicans demand off shore drilling be included in the bill. The Democrats absolutely refuse. It doesn't matter to them that EVERY POLL INDICATES AMERICANS WANT OFF SHORE DRILLING INCLUDED IN A COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY BILL.

I have two feelings about these actions:

1. The Democrats have forgotten what their job is in Congress. They represent their constituents--not themselves or their party's line. Their constituents want relief, and they want relief in the form of more domestically produced oil.

This is what frightens me about Dems. THEY THINK THEY KNOW HOW WE SHOULD LIVE OUR LIVES, and they are going to cram their ideas down our throats whether we want it or not. THEY THINK WE ARE INCAPABLE OF MAKING DECISIONS FOR OURSELVES so they will gladly make them for us. People like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid do this everyday when they refuse to allow bills/amendments etc. to even come to a vote where members of Congress can do their jobs. THEY FEEL THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE THE DECISIONS FOR EVERYONE and we citizens haven't even the right for our elective representatives to represent us!

2. Although Obama will come around (because it's expedient) to agree to some kind of off-shore drilling compromise, the DEMS ARE PROTECTING OBAMA FROM HAVING TO ACTUALLY VOTE TO ALLOW OFF-SHORE DRILLING. Talking isn't acting, and that is what Obama is good at doing. Better to take off for the summer, and let the country sizzle.

If Obama is elected and the Dems increase their hold on Congress, we are in big trouble!