Friday, February 27, 2009


A quick point.

Of the 9,000 pieces of pork thrown in the budget--60% Democrat (oink, oink, Joe Biden) and 40% Republican (did you leave your principles at the door?)--the ones co-sponsored by then-Senator Obama have lost one sponsor. Obama's name, which appeared many times over, has been removed from all the legislation. His name has been removed; the pork remains under the aegis of others. Hmmmmm Nothing like trust, transparency, hope and change.
What did you expect?


You can’t make this stuff up.

In Houston, the mayor proposed taking taxpayer money to pay off the credit card debt of individuals so that they could up their credit scores thus enabling them to qualify for mortgages. Apparently governments all over have caught the Obama bug and in their delusional state have come to see the taxpayers’ money as their own to hand out to whomever they choose.

In this case, up to $3,000 would go to pay off credit card debt or loans such as car loans. No matter that these people got themselves into credit score trouble buying things they couldn’t afford or buying that nice, big SUV or, since this is Texas, a truck instead of a Ford Focus. There’s the rest of us to bail them out. We can just cut back on our own spending, despite the fact that we are living within our means and paying our bills on time.

In America, apparently, paying your bills on time is definitely un-American.

Here’s the link to the Houston Chronicle article when this bill was billed. Read it and weep.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


We’ve elected a Poster Boy. President Obama cannot make the switch from candidate to President. He runs around the country giving campaign speeches, scaring the daylights out of people, harking back to President Bush just in case there is a single citizen left who might blame Congress (in particular Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid) for the problems we’re in. His gloom and doom approach puts the public in a depressed panic, and he suggests irreversibility if the country does not follow his lead.

The odd thing about going along with him is that he hasn’t led. The pork filled, non-stimulus, attack on the working middle-class bill wasn’t constructed by him. It is a Pelosi-Reid production loaded with the left-leaning ideology-driven programs they couldn’t pass as individual bills. Admittedly not one member of Congress—in either House—read the stimulus (now renamed Recovery) before they voted. The President, insisting on its immediate signing in order to avoid imminent disaster, headed to Chicago for the weekend without reading it, and in a campaign (oops) stop several days later at an RV factory town, signed it into law. (This self-same president who wants us to be wary of our gasoline usage makes his pitch in an RV factory town? Hmmmm)

During the election, if one didn’t vote for Obama, you were branded a racist. Now, if you don’t blindly follow—and it’s got to be blind since no one who gave us this humongous bill read it—you’re not supportive. If you don’t go along, you’re the enemy. I haven’t heard one ad hominem attack on Obama—a Democratic staple for President Bush—but the Obama groupies continue to attack with name-calling and demonization of people who don’t agree with President Obama’s direction.

What we are still getting from President Obama is a windstorm of hot air. No specifics. No HOWs. In his forthcoming 3.5 Trillion Dollar budget, he announced some cuts in the millions of dollars. That’s supposed to be impressive? But even as I watched him deliver this retooling of the budget part of his speech to Congress, he made sure to call the accounting of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars “dishonest” and continue to slam President Bush several times. OHHHH Obama is grand at this!

Our “recovery” bill is loaded with pork. What part of the pig will show up in the budget? We’ve already seen him break promises about bringing lobbyists into his administration; we’ve already seen a cabinet filled with tax cheats; we’re hearing Obama-speak about nationalizing banks. Today Congress worked on the Fairness Doctrine, though they’re not calling it that. The Omnibus bill adds another 450 billion in handouts. Gotta listen very carefully to this guy because we need to know the meaning of “is.”