Friday, February 27, 2009


You can’t make this stuff up.

In Houston, the mayor proposed taking taxpayer money to pay off the credit card debt of individuals so that they could up their credit scores thus enabling them to qualify for mortgages. Apparently governments all over have caught the Obama bug and in their delusional state have come to see the taxpayers’ money as their own to hand out to whomever they choose.

In this case, up to $3,000 would go to pay off credit card debt or loans such as car loans. No matter that these people got themselves into credit score trouble buying things they couldn’t afford or buying that nice, big SUV or, since this is Texas, a truck instead of a Ford Focus. There’s the rest of us to bail them out. We can just cut back on our own spending, despite the fact that we are living within our means and paying our bills on time.

In America, apparently, paying your bills on time is definitely un-American.

Here’s the link to the Houston Chronicle article when this bill was billed. Read it and weep.

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