Friday, April 11, 2008


Once again the Democrats are working on ratcheting down our military. Last time they were able to accomplish that was when Bill Clinton “streamlined” the Federal payroll by cutting the military. The result was that our early Iraq warriors were not decently equipped. Now, New York State is cutting use of the National Guard, and the result is that high target areas like Grand Central Station, airports, and subways will no longer be guarded. Our infamous and thankfully former Governor Eliot Spitzer even wanted nuclear power plants to pay for the Guard’s protection—the only installations required to do so—but in that case cool heads prevailed and the legislature turned it down.

Now under our new “I did it too but I got a pass” governor, Patterson, we are getting a bunch of double-speak. Here’s a choice quote from Eric Durr, director of public affairs (you know Durr’s job creates lots of methane gas) for the Division of Military and Naval Affairs, “You might not see the guy at Grand Central Station everyday…but that doesn’t mean you’re alone.” I’d like to know what it does mean.

The new budget for the Division represents a $400 million decrease from last year that Durr assures us isn’t quite as bad as it seems because it represents “federal money for disaster relief stuff, for emergency preparedness stuff, for Homeland Security.” Huh???? I guess the Democratic controlled Congress is really concerned about our safety—NOT.

It all falls into place when you look at the entire Democratic approach to Homeland Security coupled with their salivating appetite for the White House. It’s all about the election. Lull us into the false security we felt prior to 2001.

Juxtapose this Democratic view with the fact that we have not had an attack since 9/11 although the government has foiled plots against us and the terrorists have continued to strike in other countries.

It’s a lot easier to sleep at night if you buy in to the Democrats. The trouble is you might not wake up in the morning.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


With all the hoopla about the Olympics in China and the disruptions along the Olympic Flame’s route by protestors on both sides of the Tibet issue, it was interesting this morning to hear the Dalai Lama express his views.

The Dalai Lama said that protests are good—on both sides. It is worse to stifle voices than it is to allow them to be heard. The problem in Tibet stems from taking away Freedom—particularly Freedom of Speech. Freedom is what brings Peace.

Apply those sage ideas to our own situation in the United States. I have heard that same idea in relation to Iraq. I’ve heard it from President Bush even as he is vilified by his opponents for taking that stand. Freedom brings peace. It doesn’t do it overnight, and freedom is certainly not easy to achieve, but Peace is not found without it.

Think about it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Probably bald-faced lying gets me the most, and we have a Congress complaining about pork barrel spending yet refusing to stop bringing home the bacon—at our— taxpayers' expense. The Democrats swooped into office like vultures and, voila, “earmark” spending tripled in 2007. So much for another Democratic Party promise. Not that Republicans act any better. Three of the top five recipients of earmarks are Republicans.

But let’s look at our candidates as a hint to the future:

Hillary Clinton brought to NY a whopping 296 million dollars! Does this make her a good Senator? NOT. But look at her history; she’s used to living off the government.

Barak Obama took a measly 97 million dollars back home!

John McCain came in a distant third. He took nothing back to Arizona. HE NEVER HAS TAKEN HOME A PENNY IN PORK. And he keeps getting re-elected. It points out the truth about us voters: we DO WANT INTEGRITY; we WANT OUR TAX MONEY RESPECTED.

On an interview from Jacksonville, Florida this morning, I heard McCain say he WILL VETO ANY BILL THAT HAS EARMARK SPENDING ATTACHED. That’s a promise I hope he’ll keep.

There are some real CHUTZBAH CANDIDATES:

New York City Congressman Charles B. Rangel (D) secured $1,950,000 for (get this) The Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at CUNY. You just can’t make up this kind of irony !!!!! Public Service?????? Public Theft is more like it.

Maine Senators Snowe (R) and Collins (R) fished a whopping $188,000 out of the sea of taxpayer money for a Lobster Institute. How delicious is that! I think we were the ones caught in a trap.

Despite their public statements, Congress recently shot down, by a big majority, a bill to put a one-year moratorium on earmark spending. This while they complain that the country is about to enter a recession. You just cannot make this stuff up!!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff is up against some real loonies in trying to get 670 miles of fence built along the U.S./Mexican border. Weigh this in your scales of justice: maybe habitat---U.S. border security. Environmentalists flood the courts with lawsuits while drug-runners, potential terrorist, illegals, and every other kind of parasitic, bottom feeder blithely scoots into our country.

Thrice before Chertoff suspended environmental regulations to get portions of the job done, and, wattayouknow, no problem!

Consider Chertoff’s simple rational: "Criminal activity at the border does not stop for endless debate or protracted litigation," Chertoff states. "The waivers will enable important security projects to keep moving forward."

Works for me. I want the border secured!

But leave it to some asinine Democratic (yes, this is definitely a partisan issue) Congressman to say, "Today's waiver represents an extreme abuse of authority," House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said. "Waiver authority should only be used as a last resort."

I’m not sure when “last resort” becomes operative—perhaps after the next 9/11, Congressman Thompson!

And while I am quoting stupid remarks, here’s one from the Audubon Society president, John Flicker (is he for real with that name; we have flickers at our bird feeders regularly): "The DHS decision … will jeopardize the economy, quality of life and beauty of South Texas,"

Economy, quality or life and beauty….Doesn’t he read the papers about what’s happening to areas along the border? What does he expect happens when drug smugglers, people smugglers, and people out to create chaos here come across? I guess he’s like an ostrich with his head in the sand! He should be saying, “The early bird catches the worm!”

I’m not a big fan of the virtual fence, and I’m not a big fan of Chertoff, but in this case, the man has 100% of my support. Let’s get this done!