Sunday, January 27, 2008


It’s not surprising that Robert Redford is going to do the movie adaptation of Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods. The book was a NYTimes’ bestseller and touted as outrageously funny. I reviewed it for Third Age Traveler (January, 2008), and found it an interesting read when it stuck to the challenge of hiking the Appalachian Trail and the wonders of being in so removed a natural setting while the world just beyond buzzes along at its frenetic pace.

I found it far less an attractive read as I discovered that Bryson’s sense of humor centers on making un-nice fun of the people and places around him—including a childhood friend who made the trek with him. His contempt is palpable; just like Redford's who uses his celebrity to tell us how to think.

I found it darned obnoxious with each swipe he took at the Forestry service and any other U.S. department or agency he could somehow tangentially fit into the book. ISN’T THAT A PERFECT VEHICLE FOR ROBERT REDFORD? He has found another way to use his celebrity to attack America.

Redford's recent attack in the movies to paint us as the bad guys in the world didn’t go over well, so he will change tactics to point to another irresponsible way (in his misguided opinion) we handle our country. Well, I won’t have to set aside a movie-going evening for this one.

I love, btw, how we’re always told we shouldn’t knock it if we haven’t seen it, but putting money into the hands of these people is not on my agenda! I don't plan on financing his next anti-American rant!

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