Saturday, January 5, 2008


The most horrendous ploy--oops, that's asking to be too specific in too wide a range of possibilities--pulled out of the Clinton black magic tricks hat is to suggest that Hillary is the only candidate to beat Republicans. That's what she says in New Hampshire after her "appear to be warm and cuddly" act backfired in Iowa and she had to go back to the cauldron.

We have a do-nothing Congress because its biggest concern is disabling anything Bush related, and now we have a presidential hopeful espousing more of the same. It doesn't matter which Democrat, just so we dump the Republicans and remove their voice from any part of the government. The differences in thinking between Democrats doesn't matter; only the name of the party does. (might bode well for Mike Bloomberg)

That's what Hillary calls change. Meanwhile on her podium she is flanked by Bill and Madeline Albright. There are no limits to how stupid the Clintons think the American people are. Of course, if Hillary gets in, the Clintons are right.

The other point is her suggestions about her strength. Why is she the only viable candidate? Obama beat her; Edwards beat her. Is she already pulling the race card regarding Obama--nothing direct but insinuating that America will pull back from electing a Black president? This is something to worry about. I don't think she is really worried about Edwards, but if Novak is right, the Clintons will stop at nothing.

This is going to be an ugly race. Maybe the American people will finally be fed up with the shenanigans and send the entire group packing! Again.

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