Wednesday, January 30, 2008


You gotta wonder about the lemming mentality among Democrats in states where they've totally lost their say in chosing a nominee at the Democratic Convention. It's part and parcel of the whole Democrat philosophy that says the party leadership is the only source of "what's good for you." Apparently the stupid Dem populace believes that it deserves the kick in the rear that its getting. They follow anyway!!!

They'll follow even as Democrats lead the entire country over the edge of a precipice--in terms of security, economy, and personal freedom. While Democrats mouthe personal freedom and oppose moves such as the Patriot Act, they blithely eliminate delegates from entire states! Florida is just the latest in this primary season. The Florida State Democratic Committee moved the primary date up in advance of Super Tuesday, and Voila! no delegates to the convention. No delegates mean those poor Floridians are treated as idiots and lose their say in choosing the party nominee. Where's the uproar!!!! Don't they get it!!!???

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