Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Both Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman John Hall voted against their respective versions of the Surveillance Bill (FISA) that would allow at least a continuation of some specific means of gathering intelligence until Congress could deal with working to protect us. Meanwhile Congress adjourned for its "much needed" February recess, allowing the bill to expire.
Schumer and Hall may not be the biggest wastes on Capitol Hill, but you've got to wonder why people actually voted for them. Neither is doing his job for us. Here's a copy of the email I sent to them when I learned how they blithefully abrogated their responsibilities to their country and to their constituents.
"Have you ever read the Federalist Papers? I doubt it; if you had, you would know that the primary function of our government is to protect us, and you certainly stray from that purpose because you voted against a way to possibly identify those seeking to harm us.

You know darned well that the techniques deal with "key word" recognition and things like that rather than with individual names until a pattern is recognized. You just count on the ignorance of the public not to understand that. You want them to assume that their conversations are being monitored. Makes the present administration look sinister, a look you like to advance for very partisan, and in this case, unpatriotic reasons.

And then, when the communications companies help the government, you want to let leech-like lawyers go after them. Intelligence assistance equals lawsuit. You're hardly acting in the interest of the country or of its citizens. You're not acting for my well being at all, for my protection, for my right to safety or in any other way the Constitution and the Federalist Papers explain your role.

How about putting partisanship aside and acting as your role dictates, and probably as your conscience dictates although you choose to ignore that little fellow sitting on your shoulder.

By the way, did you have time to pop in and deal with Congress' important business--steroids in Roger Clemens. You all should be ashamed of yourselves."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you