Saturday, February 16, 2008


Enviornmentalists' battle against the United States Navy's use of sonar equipment has been fomenting for some time now, and the battle might even end up in the Supreme Court. It's in the courts now, and some imbecilic judge feels that freeing the Navy from restrictions may just be a violation of our Constitution. Another jerk who has read neither the Constitution nor the Federalist Papers. Show me the animal stuff in there!

Here's the deal: enviornmentalists want the Navy to cease and desist from its use of sonar equipment to locate enemy submarines. The noise disturbs the whales and might cause them to become disoriented and beach themselves. The Navy, sensitive to the possible problem, limits the sonar decibles according to the proximity of whales, but that's not enough. The Navy asserts that when diesel fueled subs run on silent, they are no longer detectable by the "sonar pings" popular in 1990 movies. They ARE running silent and deep!

Here's another attack on our safety. Save the whales and welcome another Pearl Harbor--or worse. Imagine an enemy sub armed with nuclear weapons allowed to approach our shores because our prime concern is protecting whales, not citizens. It's almost surreal--but not quite. It's a real battle.

This is one more attack on security. Rules of engagement already escalate the rights of the enemy above our fighting forces. Enemy prisoners should not be made uncomfortable in any way that would coerce them to give up info--the milk and cookies approach to interrogation. Guantanemo prisoners have rights analogous to U.S. citizens although they are captured enemy combatants. Now the whales take precedence over my safety.

I take it very personally. It's a whale of a battle against you and me! Think about it before entering a voting booth.

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