Friday, February 29, 2008


Doesn't matter which side of the aisle you view, this mess about protecting our borders--particularly our Southern border with Mexico is absolutely disgraceful! I've heard Michael Chertoff, head of Homeland Security, talk about the "virtual fence," 28 miles completed. Chertoff looked straight into the camera's eye and told us the fence was good to go. That was a few weeks ago. Now the "virtual fence" is on hold for at least three years. Are they kidding!

The virtual fence is a total waste of money already spent as well as money to be spent. The Border Patrol claims this fence will not meet its needs in stemming the influx of illegals (but why respect the people who actually do the work)! I don't believe protection means "watching" illegals cross and deciding if they are or are not carrying backpacks. Gimme a break! Am I really supposed to believe this will keep me safe?

Build a REAL FENCE. Make it high enough and sink it deep enough to stem this unwanted flood across our borders. Me--I'd electrify it too--but that's really hopeful thinking.

The Dems don't want to stem the tide; they want to legislate ways to make these people Democratic voters. Just keep giving--driver's licenses, social services, etc. The Republicans don't want to alienate Hispanics already on the voting rolls.

Neither party seeks to change the catch and release that's going on now--and I'm not talking about undersized fish! Sanctuary states and cities are governed by members of both parties. It all stinks, and we are the ones who pay and who can be hurt. No wonder Congress' dismal approval rating makes the President's ratings seem like Mt. Everest! Congress is totally useless.

And, of course, enemies of the U.S. cheer. No way to stop them from entering--drug transporters, coyotes with paying human beings stuffed in their trucks, potential terrorists.

On this issue, none of the Presidential candidates and neither party can be counted on to work in OUR INTEREST to solve this problem. It is in their short-term interest to be as bad as they are being today, pandering to a growing and powerful voting bloc.

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