Thursday, April 16, 2009


The flood of changes washing over this country is the past 100 days is frightening. Sometimes I feel as if we are drowning. Several things happened that seem to put more leaks in my sinking ship of state.

If the United States is to run as a republic, it must have an informed citizenship. The media coverage of yesterday's Tea Parties is one further proof that the powerful media outlets are twisting our minds, and if it continues, America will be ruled by a few very powerful individuals out for self-aggrandizement. Even now I feel disenfranchised.

Yesterday's Tea Parties were not covered with any kind of honesty by any news outlet that I could discover other than Fox. That's chilling since Fox has been labeled by the Networks and other Cable stations as extremist, and many, without even looking at Fox, have bought that lie as truth. No other outlet mentioned that there were over 2,300 tea parties around the country with all kinds of numbers. In fact, I heard a CNN reporter verbally attacked a participant. She then turned to the camera and said that this was an “anti-government” rally, conservative rally, and one touted by Fox news. That statement is a blatant lie. It's not anti-government; it's anti-taxing government, and the people at the tea parties were Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and anyone else who thinks enough is enough! Mr. President, Congress, quit groping. Our pockets do not belong to you!

This morning, Robin Meade on CNN, gave the tea parties about twenty seconds of airtime, dismissing them as GOP rallies. No mention of numbers of rallies; no mention of number of participants. What we don’t know CAN hurt us.

Today's New York Times did not have anything about the rallies on its front page. My local paper, the Times Herald Record out of Middletown, had nothing, but they did have a paragraph touting Newt Gingrich as the new GOP “guru” and suggesting Newt Gingrich is attempting to re-insert himself in the political arena with an aim to run in 2012. What is that all about?

Anyone not tuned in to Fox news cannot be faulted for having missed the entire event. They fell prey to the media's obvious intent to deny them the right to judge the event and its participants for themselves. That's pretty scary. Uninformed, we are unarmed. Keep people ignorant and you can keep them under your thumb.

At the same time, Homeland Security “Czar” Janet Napolitano, who only a few weeks ago had no fear of our border insecurity, issued an "assessment" to law enforcement agencies: be wary of people who support single issues (pro-life, immigration, taxes, etc), returning military vets, supporters of third party candidates, and people whose paranoia made them suspicious of the “one world” view. Watch for bumper stickers supporting third party candidates. These people could be dangerous to the country. Huh? This morning I watched her defend the "assessment."

As if this is not bad enough, toss in the announcement that members of the President's staff serve on a special taskforce that reviews the President's speeches and appearances and “edits” them before they appear on youtube. What we see then, is “photo-shopped” perfection—no errors, no gaffs, no questionable lines.

The other day, for instance, President Obama, made an error some might call Freudian. He spoke about being against “privacy” when he meant to say “piracy.” Big difference, huh? Bet you won't hear that gaff on the internet. This type of instant revisionism is important since even the questionable pronunciation of the word “nuclear” by George W. Bush left Democrats rolling on the floor and insisting he was a bloody moron. When Obama spoke to the students in Turkey, he could not remember the Russian president's name. BTW, it's Medvedev Mr. President. He bowed to the Saudi King, then denied it. When he was called on it, he should have been singing that old country cheating song about “believing your lying eyes."

These are manipulative examples of which I am aware. What else is going on? Well, here's a President who can't give a speech without a teleprompter and is dismal at impromptu speaking. Who is writing the words for him, and when does he have time to make sure his speechwriters are really getting his ideas across? More and more I get the feeling that I am not getting the real story about anything, and that makes me very nervous. Think about it.


Anonymous said...

Read your "column" on the tea parties. Well said.

Anonymous said...

Your posts are amazingly accurate, fair and insightful. It's hard to believe that this is happening in the United States. I am really worried about where we are headed in this country and it sickens me that so many people are snowed by this guy.

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?