Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Taliban Ops Chief was at Gitmo

This Associated Press article is worth reading:

He's not the first of these "innocents" to be released and return to trying to kill our soldiers. It makes me wonder about Congress' measure of value in the world. Apparently the "rights" of these terrorists is more important than the rights, lives, and protection of Americans or the lives of our military.

Congress doesn't care about bringing these terrorists to the U.S. where they will be accorded the privilege of our justice system in which the way evidence is obtained becomes as important as the evidence itself. In this case, it means spilling the beans about techniques, informers, and other intelligence techniques, thereby weakening what data collection we have to help protect us from, among other things, another 9/11. These are things the intelligence community CAN'T reveal. American justice is geared toward "after the deed is committed" as opposed to planning and/or being a force to commit a heinous act. Differs from Sharia law, doesn't it?

Congress doesn't seem to give a rat's tail about being party to aiding and abetting the Taliban in killing Americans. But each terrorist released back into the wild is part of their disregard. Thank you Sen. Murtha and your ilk and your kith and kin.

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