Sunday, January 18, 2009


Even as Barak Obama and his slobbering fans prepare for his coronation, the Bush haters cannot let up one iota. I expect to see Chris Matthews begin to shake—this time from Bush-withdrawal syndrome rather than from arousal caused by Barak Obama. Earlier this week, the Bushes were slammed for spending money (from a private fund set up for that purpose) on new State china. The economy is bad, so this cost is extravagant. Did I hear anything about toning down the inauguration because of its extravagance?

This morning I watched sections of CBS’s Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood. One segment dealt with inauguration speeches. Presidents from George Washington forward were mentioned for their good or bad speeches, their brief or lengthy speeches, their memorable or forgotten lines or for any other number of reasons. Neither picture nor mention was made of George W. Bush. Another segment dealt with how presidents age in office as they deal with the stress. Guess who was omitted. To CBS, President George W. Bush doesn’t exist, and the sooner CBS can deny his contributions in any way, the better.

The press has been having at blast at delivering parting shots. George W. Bush cannot even say that there are things he would have done differently without getting slammed! His farewell address was torn apart by these ravenous dogs. Editorial pages are filled with opinions on President Bush's "failed" presidency. He's been called the worst president in history.

Called the messiah by at least one famous idiot, Barak Obama, I suppose, will never take a wrong turn leading us out of the wilderness. He’s not the Moses some have compared him too; he's better. Moses made mistakes and never got to the Promised Land. Nor is Obama the Lincoln he compares himself to. Lincoln's focus was on preserving the Union; Obama’s is to alter it.

Sunday Morning even tossed some comments about the transition team President Bush organized to make sure Obama does not come into the White House as he did. Remember? He came into a White House trashed by the departing Administration. Not only did Clinton and Hilary take “souvenirs” but also their staffs wrecked computers and removed the letter w from keyboards, carved messages into the desks, and left graffiti. Taxpayers paid for the damages, and the departing First Couple got a pass.
President Bush made sure that President-elect Obama was fully briefed on what is going on around the world. His staff was given “worse case scenarios” and went through the procedures, etc. that would be followed in a variety of situations. Even as Mr. Obama talks about dismantling much of our intelligent gathering possibilities, President Bush leaves him a country that has not been attacked since the horrific events of 9/11. President Bush should be applauded and recognized for his actions. Let’s pray Obama continues to safeguard us.

While members of the media continue to deride President Bush, partly I fear to give our new President a cushy landing, I’m wondering when the honeymoon will end. Will it be when the truth about some of his appointees becomes more apparent? (Treasury Secretary Geithner’s failure to pay $34,000 in taxes is, in Obama’s words an “innocent mistake.” Attorney General Erik Holder’s supporting pardons for FALN terrorists and financial swindler Marc Rich doesn’t seem to bother him either.) Will it be when so many of his unkept and always unkeepable promises dash the hope of those who voted for him? Will it be when the country wakes up to the biggest pork barrel (nicknamed the stimulus package) ever rolled out of Congress without any Republican input but pushed by Pelosi, supported by Reid and branded ok by Obama? Is the press just too stupid to get it and the American public too mesmerized to demand it?

I’ll be glad when I no longer get anti-Bush “jokes” in my email. I will not miss the constant unfair criticism and disrespect. I will love not having Americans go abroad to knock my president or my country. I also wish Obama to succeed in keeping America safe and great. I want him treated with the respect the office deserves. I have my fingers crossed, but honestly, I don’t have much hope.

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