Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I pointed out at the beginning of June just how much of a governmental cash cow gasoline taxes are. ( )Don't expect any relief from your elected officials, Democrat or Republican--there's too much money and power at stake here. We will get their gas--hot air--finger pointing--and condescension as they look at us as too stupid to grasp the reality of the situation. New York's Democrat Maurice Hinchey, for instance, talks about the "oil men" in the White House while he either ignorantly or knowingly exploits the situation for his own political advancement.

Here's some truths from WebCPA with studies done by CCH. In the past year, eight states have raised their gasoline taxes with Minn. leading the way with a two cent hike. Additionally, while one side of every politician's mouth blurts outrage over the suffering citizen, the other side has authorized increases allowing sales taxes to increase up to 1% with Indiana, Iowa, and Maryland leading the way. Only Utah dropped its taxes--from 10% to 4.65%. Is it possible that Utah is the only state concerned with its citizens' woes?

Why? Simple. Gas taxes fund highway projects (or at least they're supposed to) when coupled with the Federal Government's matching funds. This oil crisis is a BOON for governments. They've got their sticky fingers on every available taxpayer dime.

So while Russia drills 50 miles off our shores and China drills 30 miles off our shores with certainly less concern for our environment than we have, we cannot drill. We have to be dependent on foreign oil. Because of modern technology and safety features, no oil rig was in jeopardy during Hurricane Katrina. Off the coast of CA it is estimated that oil could be with us within a year, yet our politicians, more concerned with themselves than with us, refuse to allow companies to drill. They claim that oil companies already have leases. True, but the permit process is so cumbersome that it can take decades. NO KIDDING.

Here's an interesting tidbit. Just by President Bush lifting the executive order against drilling and asking Congress to act, oil futures dropped!!!! Want more reasonable energy prices. Get Congress to do its job!!!!

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