Wednesday, June 11, 2008


This morning CNN made a big deal and a lot of fun about John McCain saying he would "veto any 'beer,' I mean bill that contains earmarks...." (GOOD FOR HIM) They're going to pounce on everything he says that doesn't quite work as a reason not to vote for him.
Well, if you want to see what happens when Obama doesn't have a script or teleprompter, look at these two. Not quite the smooth, savvy guy some in our country like to think they know.
Let me make myself clear. Uttering an incorrect word or getting flustered and tongue-tied shouldn't matter one iota, but Democrats and liberals use these examples all the time. "Misspeaking" enabled them to label Dan Quayle a moron--and the public bought it. George W. Bush mispronounced "nuclear," and it made headlines. We're still hearing about his alleged studpidity. John McCain once mixed up Iraq and Iran (two wholey dissimilar words?) and it was attributed to age. These videos of Obama then, take the cake! If Obama were a Republican, there would be a Congressional move to have him institutionalized!!!! Just take a gander--because what's good for the goose, IS good for the gander.

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