Saturday, May 17, 2008


One summer when I was a kid and had just moved to a new neighborhood, my parents kept me to an early curfew. Years later, my mother explained that curfew. She didn’t care for my some of new friends. She gave me that old line “You’re known by the company you keep,” and she wanted me as far away from them as possible. Of course I didn’t know her reasoning then, but that fall, I found new friends in my new school and activities.

You ARE known by the company you keep. You wouldn’t be with them if there weren’t some shared attraction and understanding. So it is with Barak Obama. His friends would be people my parents wouldn’t want as my buddies, and they would have me home very early—if they let me out at all.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s ideas are extreme, anti-American, and anti-White. Black Liberation theology, according to Professor Anthony Bradley (Asst. Prof. at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis), states that

  • all evil in the world is caused by White racism
  • deals with continued victimization of Blacks
  • is rooted in Marxism as a means of redistribution of wealth

Barak Obama says that Rev. Wright is a mentor of his. If Obama believes as the Rev. does, will he be a president for all the people in our society, or will he be a president with an agenda to destroy the idea of America envisioned by our founding fathers and the great people who followed them?

You’re known by the company you keep.

William Ayers was a member of the radical Weather Underground that claimed responsibility for a dozen bombings. He went underground after a nail bomb they were constructing in a Greenwich Village townhouse exploded and killed three Weather Underground members. Ayers surrendered to authorities in 1981. He was never prosecuted because of prosecutorial problems while he was being sought. He has never expressed remorse for his actions, and he claims that the bombings were not acts of terrorism. He adopted the child of Weather Underground’s Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert who carried out, with members of the Black Liberation Army, the 1981 Brinks Robbery in the Nanuet Mall and killed two Nyack police officers and a Brinks guard. (BTW, there is a scholarship in Officer Waverly Brown’s name at SV High School where I taught) Today William Ayers feels he is often treated unfairly because of his past.

Barak Obama defended his acquaintance with William Ayers saying that Barak was only eight years old when Ayers committed these acts. I guess Obama’s a “forgive and forget” kind of guy. That might be why he wants to sit down with Cuban leaders; he doesn't remember missles and Cuba. I don’t think my mother would have let me hang around with William Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dohrn. Terrorism, murder, robbery, various other kinds of criminal acts and anti-Americanism weren’t her thing!

You’re known by the company you keep.

Then there’s Tony Rezko, indicted on federal charges in 2006. There’s Rev. Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ’s award to Louis Farrakhan, an anti-White, Anti-Semite activist.

Take these friends and think about the influences on Barak Obama. Take these friends and think about Obama’s lack of judgment in choosing his acquaintances. There is a common thread. They are not people who respect or love America. Michelle Obama has been proud of America only once, and she has no trouble complaining about having to pay back her student loans for her Harvard education. I’ll go with my mother’s wisdom, and I’ll look for my President among those who have served our country and whose children and wife serve our country as well. I’d like to be known by the company I keep.


Anonymous said...

...and which American president was a pal to Noriega????

Anonymous said...

...and which American president was a pal to Noriega????