Wednesday, September 19, 2007


The papers are filled with news about Blackwater and security firms and what Blackwater MAY or MAY NOT have done--since they say they were fired upon and were acting in self-defense.

I'm looking at something different. Why does our State Dept hire outside firms that do not have to follow the rules of engagement our armed forces do? I can only surmise that State Dept. officials who travel to dangerous places are so important--or their lives are so important--that they "deserve" better protection than our fighting forces.

Even the Iraqi government gives immunity to private firms working there because they cannot offer that kind of security to visiting diplomats. Not so for our military--which they also cannot duplicate. I guess all lives are not equal.

The idea of being in a war with rules of engagement aimed at protecting everyone other than the soldiers risking their lives is nothing other than evil. It shows the mentality of politicians who make the rules. We can talk about rules concerning convoy protection, rules concerning allowing known militia-leading enemies to be free, and rules that respect that make having "the best military in the world" a meaningless phrase. Our rules of engagement cost American lives!
If we are the mightiest military power, we should be able to use it.

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