Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Somehow the Bush-haters are so mindlessly addicted that they are incapable of ceasing and desisting even as the President enters his final days in office. He was lambasted for attended the economic summit in Peru; dimwitted utterly contemptuous op-ed columnist Gail Collins called for the President to resign (after VP Cheney resigns) and simply hand over the government to Nancy Pelosi (ugh) until Messiah Obama takes command of the ship of state; even a numbskull Colorado State University newspaper editor cost his paper $30,000. in advertising after printing a “F**k Bush” column. He, at least, has been asked to resign. I’m still receiving not-funny anti-Bush slams from a woman who gets her “facts” from the Huffington Post, the Daily Kos, and bathroom walls.

I look at the President in a different way although his second term was hardly up to par. The United States, unlike many countries around the world, has not been hit with any more attacks. Under President Bush, we have been kept safe.

Read these excerpts from an Associated Press release, November 26th:

NEW YORK – Police bolstered security in subways and trains Wednesday after the government warned that al-Qaida suicide bombers were contemplating an attack on New York's mass-transit systems during the holiday season. An internal memo obtained by The Associated Press says the FBI has received a "plausible but unsubstantiated" report that al-Qaida terrorists in late September may have discussed attacking the subway system…A Pakistani immigrant was arrested and convicted for a scheme to blow up the subway station at Herald Square in 2004. There was also a planned cyanide attack on the subways by al-Qaida operatives that authorities say was called off in 2002; another aborted al-Qaida plot to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge in 2003; and a plot to bomb underwater train tunnels to flood lower Manhattan, which was broken up in 2006 by several arrests overseas.

How many foiled plots were there of which we are not aware? Under President Bush’s watch, we have not had a repeat of 9/11 even as the ACLU, activist judges, anti-warmongers as well as members of our own Congress have sought to limit or eliminate our ability to gather intelligence or punish those who have sought to destroy us. Fifty of the released “unfairly treated” prisoners of Guantanamo have been re-captured as they’ve tried to kill American military.

It will be interesting to see how our next President deals with Guantanmo and the scum imprisoned there. No country wants to take them because they are exactly what they appear to be. Let’s leave that to see what develops.

Meanwhile, thank you President Bush, for working hard to keep us safe.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


There’s no doubt that the Democrats think they know what’s best for us. Joe Lieberman’s constituents returned him to the Senate despite efforts by the Democrats to block this Dem-turned-Independent from gaining re-election, the Dems want to punish Lieberman for voicing his honest opinion and supporting McCain. This is also despite the fact that Lieberman remains a registered Democrat and primarily aligns himself with the Democratic Party. But Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., doesn’t think that’s enough. He doesn’t want Lieberman “rewarded” for his defection even though Lieberman already holds the Chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. He was good enough before the election but somehow falls short now? Apparently the continued abandonment of the idea of merit remains for the Democrats.

One would think that the members of Congress have no responsibility to act according to the wishes of the voters who put them there. It’s about them and not about us, or in this case at the very least about the voters who returned Lieberman to the Senate. The Democratic leadership apparently feels nothing about their rights, wishes, or representation. It’s about consolidating Democratic power so theirs is the only voice heard. That’s pretty scary.

Ironically the only argument I’ve heard against punishing Senator Lieberman is that it goes against Obama’s pledge of bi-partisanship and therefore might alienate some of his supporters and that might cause Lieberman to bolt and join the Republicans. The latter argument is so in line with the Democrats because they don’t seem to work on principle. Lieberman is simply not in step with many of the Republican views; they’re accusing him of doing what they do—compromise principles in order to get ahead. That’s pretty scary.

The Republicans, of course, would welcome Joe Lieberman to the GOP caucus. It’s in a shambles and lacks direction. Someone who can actually take a stand and articulate it well would be welcome addition. They certainly did not have that in John McCain.

If he plays his cards right, Joe Lieberman can wield a lot of power and influence in the new administration. As both sides vie for his vote, he may be able to make political deals to do some real good. Wouldn’t that be a nice result for Congress for a change?

Sunday, November 16, 2008


With the election over, we will have a new President in Jan., and he has already given pause to think. I’m not going to spend the next four years berating him idiotically as many of my friends berated President Bush. Imagine saying, “He’s stupid. Anyone can fly one of those jets with all the gizmos in it.” Anyway, I’m not going to throw hissy fits and sit and glare whenever Obama’s name is mentioned. But I am going to continue to think, to listen to different sources and different points of view and not, as another friend does, check in on The Huffington Post or the Daily Kos for her facts. I wish the new President the best of luck in keeping our country on course. He is, after all, my president too. I’m not offering up any of the deranged, irrational hatred I’ve heard for the last eight years.

But here are some issues that are troublesome:

1. After making a statement that “there can only be one president,” Barak Obama found a way not to weigh in on some matters but then threateningly posed that if Congress doesn’t act “in this lame duck session” on another stimulus package, he will immediately after the inauguration. Additionally he will now offer HIS OWN weekly address via radio and internet until the inauguration. One president? I thought that was George W. Bush.

2. At his first news conference, no reporter from FOX or any of the papers that endorsed John McCain were called upon for a question. Is this more of the vindictive behavior that had reporters thrown off his campaign plane in favor of reporters from Essence? I will keep a close eye on the “Fairness Doctrine” debates.

3. How will the auto industry be handled? Pelosi has said that there will be limits on “executive pay,” but it is the backbreaking unions who also must give up something to keep the industry going. Will the Dems challenge the unions that support them? How can the money keep the auto industry afloat if there is no restructuring of management AND if the money offered is earmarked for smaller, more efficient cars in an industry that is not tooled to build them?

4. How will our military be treated? Barney Frank & Co. has already promised a 25% cut in military spending. Do we want our military in the shape it was at the beginning of the Iraq War—under-supplied, and under-protected? I certainly do not!

5. The economic crisis is huge. How could it not be? The Dems tossed aside every economic rule to make sure people who cannot afford homes got them. Then they watched with feigned surprise as those very people could not pay their mortgages and the snowball became an avalanche. I want to keep a close eye on my taxes!

That certainly is enough to keep me busy, but there were many more campaign promises our “country’s savior” made. It will be interesting, and probably very painful to watch. I am thinking of adding another bumper sticker to my car. The first one says, Mark Twain for President “It’s better to be popular than right.” My new one should succinctly read, “What did you expect?”

Monday, September 22, 2008


At an August AIDS conference in Mexico City, the U.S. was praised for ending its 15-year-old law banning HIV-positive people from entering the country. But that ban has yet to be lifted by the Bush administration, much to the ire of the usual groups. I’m glad it hasn’t yet been done. The bill had bi-partisan backing—Sens. John Kerry (D), no longer the most liberal Democrat in Congress since Barak Obama arrived on the scene, and Gordon Smith (R) of Oregon. Since then, 58 Dems have written to the President asking him to take “swift action on this issue.”

I guess that’s because the Congress so swiftly reacts to problems facing American citizens-----like the financial crisis brought on by the sub-prime mortgage debacle or the people in the U.S. devastated by Hurricane Ike. (although a bill promptly surfaced to help the people of Haiti)

I suppose the Congress feels HIV should be removed from the list of communicable diseases of public health significance because….That’s where I get stuck. Because….

Granted we know enough to have overcome the unwarranted fears of how HIV is spread, and true, many people innocent of some of the more behavior-prone ways of contracting this horrendous affliction have been infected and may feel unfairly targeted, BUT are we to assume that visitors to this country who are HIV positive will cease being intravenous drug users who share needles, refrain from unprotected sex so they do not spread the disease, tell the people with whom they have relationships that they are HIV positive or refrain from any other kind of behavior that promotes the spread of HIV? Sorry, John Kerry, Gordon Smith, and you additional 58 Congressman. I don’t assume that. I go back to the great line by Felix Unger in The Odd Couple: ASSUME means to make an ASS of U and ME.

We’ve got people in Washington quaking in their boots that someone out there might not like us so they are constantly considering those outside America over the ones they are elected to protect and to serve. Last July 30, President Bush signed into law a five-year $48 billion bill to fight AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis around the world. Those are good intentions, but he should have vetoed the bill because it contained this lifting of the ban. Can you imagine the outcry had he vetoed it? Despite the names he would have been called, he should have used that veto power, and Congress should get its act together and put Americans' best interests first.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


If you watch TV news, you may have missed this horrendous event. On Wed., Sept., 18, there was an attack on the U.S. embassy in Yemen that left 16 people dead including a newlywed from New York there for an arranged wedding.

This is the same Yemen where 17 American sailors lost their lives in the Oct. 12, 2000 suicide bombing of the U.S.S. Cole.

The AP reported that the militants who launched this latest attack in Yemen are linked to al-Qaida, BUT most news outlets, if they ran the story at all, gave it a necessary inclusion and then let it drop. No follow up. Not even extensive "human interest" coverage of the American woman killed in the bombing. No further discussion of the role of al-Qaida.

We don’t hear much about the war on terror in the news these days. We still hear each time an armed services member dies, but thankfully those numbers are substanially diminishing as the Iraqis take over security their country. We are almost never reminded of that change in military. It's better for the liberals to focus on loss of life and imply it is for a non-cause.
Nor are we reminded that almost all of Congress’ “benchmarks” for Iraq have been achieved. We’re led to believe, through lies of omission, that the War in Iraq continues as it was and that the Iraqi government and people are incapable of governing themselves. There are people out there who want us to become familiar with the word "quagmire" despite its inappropriateness.
How many of you know that Kuwait is no considered a combat zone and those military personnel there can wear civilian clothing and no longer carry weapons?

There is a motive behind this blatant withholding of news. It is the presidential elections. A biased and liberal media wants Americans believing the worst as the presidential election approaches. It keeps us ignorant of the truth. It marginalizes Obama’s steadfast refusal to admit that he was wrong in many of his votes concerning the war despite his agreement that the surge worked “beyond our wildest dreams,” a statement I disagree with as Petraeus & Co. certainly aimed for the results the surge achieved. The withholding of war allows McCain’s steadfast understanding and support of our efforts to fade into the background.

You might say today's top story is the economic picture, and you may have a point, but when the news is full of Caylee Anthony’s disappearance, O.J. Simpson’s trial, Lindsay Lohan's political views while ignoring the fact that Dem. Mark Foley will not be prosecuted for sending sexual emails to teenagers or that Dem. Charles Rangel is still Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee while he doesn’t file taxes, etc., you’ve got to wonder. Could it be that we’re expected to think that corruption only exists on the other side of the aisle? Let’s compare Larry Craig’s (R) wide stance advances to Mark Foley’s (D) coming on to teenage boys.

It’s getting more and more difficult to vote intelligently because of the news “filters” we have. As my magnetized NOBAMA and McCAIN FOR PRESIDENT bumper stickers were stolen off my car, I’ve replaced them with one I bought at the Mark Twain home in Hartford, CT. Twain said it all! The bumper sticker proclaims: MARK TWAIN FOR PRESIDENT (with picture of Twain): IT’S BETTER TO BE POPULAR THAN RIGHT.

Friday, September 19, 2008


While there’s no difficulty in finding fault in government and politicians, there are some good things going on as well. New York’s governor, David Paterson (D), is proving to be worth his mettle. He’s good about announcing his legislation, and he’s been doing some good things for New Yorkers. That’s what we expect and what we are entitled to.

Here’s one of several improvements I’ve noticed. On Sept. 5, Gov. Paterson signed legislation to allow pharmacists, once they are state trained and certified, to administer flu shots. This sensible and seemingly small change enormously increases access to the vaccines by virtue of pharmacies' hours and locations. The result should be a healthier winter for many New Yorkers.
On a side note, the bill was sponsored by Long Island Republican Sen. Charles Fuschillo, and that indicates Paterson's willingness to support positive efforts by both sides of the aisle.

Paterson has vetoed 49 bills showing he is not afraid to use his authority when he sees the correlation between budget and policy decisions as they impact local governments and taxpayers. To me that means he is on the right track. New York is a mess, and its state officials on both sides of the aisle, by and large, spend their time bickering over power. If Paterson can pull in the reins on this runaway horse of a legislature he inherited, he can have my vote as long as he wants it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Obama is like an ice cold bottle of soda pop on a hot summer day. He glistens in the heat. The glass is wet and your mouth longs for the cool refreshing taste of something bubbling with carbonation, something to tickle your dry tongue, your parched throat, something to break through the thirst you’re experiencing even as perspiration beads on your face.

Go for it! It looks sooooo good. Drink! But consider what's really happening:

You’ve loaded up on sugar—a temporary fix that does nothing healthful for your body. It is empty calories. Worthless.

If you’re a sipper, the fizz dissipates rapidly and you’re left with the real thing—an absolutely flat taste that goes nowhere. It has no life of its own. No energy; no nothing.

If you’re a gulper, the good feeling climaxes quickly and leaves you dissatisfied and full of gas.

In a little while, no matter how you approach it, you’re as thirsty as you were before. You may be closer to tooth decay or weight gain. A sugar high is simply not worth the trouble.

Maybe this analogy doesn’t quite work because there’s one big difference between Barak Obama as president and carbonated, flavored sugar water. You can dump the soda; you’re stuck with Obama for four years!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


The problems in Georgia and Poland should give the world pause.

Russia is not our friend! Putin is not our friend! Russia is just lying in wait until it can rebuild the Soviet Union by ensnaring all those countries on its borders which haven’t the strength or alliances to protect themselves.

Americans were surprised when those small countries, relatively newly freed from the Soviet Union’s domination, volunteered to help us in Iraq, but those countries do not take freedom for granted having lived under the grinding Soviet heel for so long. They understand the purpled fingers of joyous people who get to vote. They understand the struggle and sacrifice it is to make a democracy work.

Georgia’s struggle is the struggle of all free people. The United States took the lead in supporting them.

Poland signed a treaty with us to place ten defensive missiles there. Russia immediately threatened Poland stating that by agreeing to this placement, Poland is in danger of nuclear attack from Russia. Indeed, it would AIM its missiles with nuclear warheads at Poland. Today that threat was modified to say that would be the case IF Russia and the U.S. go to war. A map, however, shows that missiles from Russia toward the U.S. would not fly over the range of those ten U.S. missiles in Poland.

Whose missiles aimed at the U.S. would fly over that area in Poland? Iran’s missiles. Just as the U.S. said when it first proposed the system to protect against rogue nations. Remember, too, we received no help from NATO in proposing a defensive missile system.

CNN this morning suggested we provoked Russia to issue that threat, but CNN would like to paint us as the world’s enemy as often as it can. After all, Iran’s buildup of nuclear power is merely peaceful. Isn’t it????

Western Europe is mum about Russia’s invasion of Georgia. They’ve been happy allowing us to take the lead in protecting the world, and they vetoed Ukraine’s and Georgia’s membership in NATO. The U.S. has already sent humanitarian aid to Georgia while Europe is afraid to confront Russia and its oil. The only pipeline bringing oil from the Caspian Sea that does not traverse Russia is the one that traverses Georgia. So Europe is pretending this will all go away. Just as Europe sat back and allowed Hitler to invade sovereign countries, they will appease Russia.

History tells us where the appeasement (milk & cookies approach) led. Ernest Hemingway, then a reporter, warned the world about Hitler and Mussolini when he correctly called the Spanish Civil War a testing ground for the fascists. He predicted a world war within ten years. Hmmmmm

All of this takes us inevitably to our presidential candidates.

Obama wants all this at the U.N. and the Security Council. Duh! Russia has veto power on the Security Council. Does Obama really think Russia will vote for its own condemnation in any form?

McCain, who has been to Georgia on numerous occasions and who has vacationed there, said the U.S. must take a pro-active stand, though not a military one, in shoring up the country’s fragile democracy.

Both candidates applauded the President’s quick response with humanitarian aid.

Once again, Obama proves he just doesn’t get it!!!!

And good for President Bush, who had Condeleeza Rice there making an American stand for Georgia’s fledgling democracy. Much better a war of words than a war.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


On July 29th I warned that we would be flooded with news of failing infrastructure. Yesterday, our local rag, The Times Herald Record, screamed loud and clear from its front page that 61 area bridges etc. are in need of repair!!!!! SIXTY ONE. This morning on TV, CNN announced that 25% of the bridges in the country are in need of repair. ONE IN FOUR! All this as we are bombarded with reminders of the horrific bridge collapse about a year ago. That bridge is scheduled to re-open in Sept. This morning there was a news piece on the baby born after his pregant mother survived that collapse. It's all leading up to the same thing--a rise in gasoline taxes.

That as Congress calls it quits for the summer and leaves without any help for Americans. This when independent truck drivers are barely making ends meet. This when many Americans are having trouble getting to work. AT LEAST THE REPUBLICANS PROTESTED THE BREAK AND STAYED, DEMANDING THE DEMOCRATS RETURN AND GET IT DONE. They turned off the mics and lights on the Republicans.

The Republicans demand off shore drilling be included in the bill. The Democrats absolutely refuse. It doesn't matter to them that EVERY POLL INDICATES AMERICANS WANT OFF SHORE DRILLING INCLUDED IN A COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY BILL.

I have two feelings about these actions:

1. The Democrats have forgotten what their job is in Congress. They represent their constituents--not themselves or their party's line. Their constituents want relief, and they want relief in the form of more domestically produced oil.

This is what frightens me about Dems. THEY THINK THEY KNOW HOW WE SHOULD LIVE OUR LIVES, and they are going to cram their ideas down our throats whether we want it or not. THEY THINK WE ARE INCAPABLE OF MAKING DECISIONS FOR OURSELVES so they will gladly make them for us. People like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid do this everyday when they refuse to allow bills/amendments etc. to even come to a vote where members of Congress can do their jobs. THEY FEEL THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE THE DECISIONS FOR EVERYONE and we citizens haven't even the right for our elective representatives to represent us!

2. Although Obama will come around (because it's expedient) to agree to some kind of off-shore drilling compromise, the DEMS ARE PROTECTING OBAMA FROM HAVING TO ACTUALLY VOTE TO ALLOW OFF-SHORE DRILLING. Talking isn't acting, and that is what Obama is good at doing. Better to take off for the summer, and let the country sizzle.

If Obama is elected and the Dems increase their hold on Congress, we are in big trouble!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Since the beginning or June I’ve been pointing out just how much government loves gasoline taxes and how we’ll never see relief from the politicians. ( All of a sudden the news is filled with reports that our highway infrastructure is in tremendous disrepair. Believe me, folks, they’re preparing you for what is to come.

Just listen and read—in the coming weeks we’ll hear about bridges, tunnels, and major arteries that will cause horrific disasters because of neglect. We’ll be afraid to drive over a bridge or through a tunnel. BTW, according to an AP article on July 19, 2008, just three years ago the Highway Trust Fund had a 3 billion dollar surplus. So let me ask, “Why has our infrastructure fallen apart when there was money to spare? How did this happen so quickly?” Hmmmmmm

The skinny is, again according to the AP, that lawmakers are “quietly talking about raising fuel taxes by a dime from the current 18.4 cents a gallon on gasoline and 24.3 cents on diesel fuel.” That’s federal gasoline taxes we’re talking about. Seems to me the states will feel the same pinch and move in the same direction. Tighten your money belts; it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

Meanwhile, Congress is adjourning for their summer break (but don’t let me get on that topic) without doing one thing to help us. While Pelosi is “saving the planet,” our country, despite promises made by the Democratic majority in Congress, is falling apart. No wonder Congress’ ratings are the way they are—far lower than the President’s. Let’s drill, go nuclear, employ wind and solar power, develop hydro-electric cars, etc. Let’s do it NOW!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


There are so many things about Barak Obama I don’t like that as he continues and the negatives add up, I’ve begun sighing deeply in exasperation.

This European tour is one more bad example of how he would lead our country. It’s bad enough that he panders here at home, but abroad he is slick, oily, and unfortunately attractive because he feeds every negative Europeans have of us.

He got the biggest applause in Germany when he apologized for us. The crowd went wild at the mention of torture. For Obama anything more than the milk & cookies approach is torture. He also pointed out how we haven’t lived up to our ideals. Perhaps he should read that our aim is to “create a more perfect union.” What direction is the country moving because of his candidacy? It is moving in the “more perfect” direction.

In Germany we thwarted their national goals in two devastating wars and then had The Marshall Plan to rebuild them into a major power. We gallantly fed them when they were boxed in by the Soviet Union and then flexed our muscles just enough to see the Berlin Wall reduced to rubble and East Germany reunited with the west, Obama somehow envisions Germany a model? Huh? That is the same country experiencing a resurgence of skinheads and neo-Nazis, isn’t it? Aren’t they having problems with the influx of illegal immigrants? Haven’t terrorist cells been located there? Still doing business with Iran? They helped us when we needed it, right? Nein. Is this the model Obama sees for us?

We twice saved France from Germany’s national goals and then waited outside Paris so that de Gaulle could lead a triumphant march back to the Eiffel Tower. In “gratitude” he later threatened to break the U.S. dollar. Obama cozied up to Sarkozy, the man who demands a second referendum in Ireland (he didn't like the outcome of the first) because the people there don’t want the limitations of the European Union’s Lisbon Treaty; they know what bowing to the socialist-leaning EU will do to curtail the Celtic Tiger’s economy. That is the same France with double-digit unemployment compared to our slightly more than 5% rate. That is the same France beleaguered with riots by their immigrants. That is the same France rife with but unwilling to deal with anti-Semitic crimes. That is the same France that cannot stand the fact that English is the international language. France loves to do business with Iran. Is this the model Obama sees for us?

At the same time Obama sucked up to these people, he couldn’t bring himself to see our troops in the hospital in Germany. I received an email, too, but won’t print it because it is uncorroborated that stated he snubbed the troops in Afghanistan and went straightaway with the General. I don’t recall seeing any photos of him with our troops. Did you?

Speaking about war, by the way, Obama grudgingly admits the surge is working. But he’d still vote against it. Tail between his legs, Obama would run. Says he’d listen to the generals on the ground but still would vote against the surge. They’re the ones who suggested a change in tactics and the surge. Obama’s statement makes no sense to me.

The press said Obama looked presidential. He’s a good looking guy. Dress me up and I will look presidential too. And I bet I know a heck of a lot more about America and what it stands for and its history than he does. I bet I wouldn’t sell us short to people who want to see us cut off at the knees. That’s just what Obama will do if he gets the chance. Not with my vote.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


The Senate's vote on Wed to TRIPLE spending for a much acclaimed program to protect against AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis is a sign that the U.S.A. remains a leader in helping those around the world. We actually deliver what we pledge unlike many other countries in the world. It is the most ambitious health program ever in the history of the United States.

Unfortuately, this $48 billion dollar package DOES NOT HELP ANYONE HERE. It all goes to Africa--granted the continent is being decimated by these diseases, internal wars, external wars, corrupt governments, sectarian fighting, genocide, racial strife and practically every other man-made and natural disaster there is. BUT...

1. This is the same Congress that does not pass spending bills to keep our military safe and well-equipped. Replacement truck parts in Iraq, for instance, may be a year in waiting because vendors are unpaid; the newspapers are full of reports of faulty electrical work and shoddy electrical equipment resulting in military deaths and injuries, and Congress keeps screaming about the expense of the Iraq war.

This is the same Congress that complains about a "recession," "bad economy," and the plight of Americans who can't afford to buy the things they need WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING SUBSTANATIVE to control the situation.

This is the same Congress that talks about energy and reducing oil independence to bring down prices but which doesn't legislate consistent tax breaks for people to afford solar or wind energy or who add doors, window, etc. to lessen their individual use of resources or for companies to afford technological development. (Remember that Kennedy and Kerry opposed wind farms that might mar their Massachusetts views of the Atlantic ocean)

This is the same Congress led by that despicable Nancy Pelosi who damns the President with his low approval rating while leading a do-nothing Congress with an approval rating 20 points below President Bush's.

This is the same Congress that WILL BREAK FOR SUMMER RECESS WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING about any of the problems that beset us.


This bill, this latest assault on our wallets, is their own "feel good," global way of looking busy. It goes along with their interest in any possible sports irregularities such as steroid useage--obviously problems of vital national interest. Ha Ha It goes along with their constant supoenas issued to presidential aides, etc., to get headlines for their party while ignoring, with the media's complicity, the wrongdoing of such members as Charlie Rangel with his four rent-subsidized apts.--three to create a spacious home for himself and one as an office, or Chris Dodd's special treatment in getting mortgages, etc. Or my own Senator, Chuck Schumer (photo upChuck) whose comments may have contributed to IndyMac's bank failure. According to NPR,

"Twelve days earlier, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), a member of the Senate Banking Committee, had written to bank regulators warning that "a significant move by IndyMac's depositors to redeem their deposits could leave the firm in a disastrous financial situation." Once those letters became public, Schumer's worst fears were realized.

More ironically is that Schumer, when blamed, quickly pointed out that those pointing fingers at him were using "Bush tactics." DUH!

I know I'm rambling a bit, but launching the biggest health initiative ever--in Africa--at a time when we can't balance our budget, don't adequately fund the military (including Veteran hospitals, etc.), need to develop an energy policy (which will be expensive), seek to lessen the tax burden for our citizens, protect the Homeland (also expensive), rebuild failing infrastructure, and help those damaged by floods, fires, and other recent natural disasters is another example of Congress' misguided thinking, its inability to focus and accomplish anything positive for our country, its self-congratulatory smugness, and its damaging partisanship that puts party above country. Would that we could toss the whole lot out!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I pointed out at the beginning of June just how much of a governmental cash cow gasoline taxes are. ( )Don't expect any relief from your elected officials, Democrat or Republican--there's too much money and power at stake here. We will get their gas--hot air--finger pointing--and condescension as they look at us as too stupid to grasp the reality of the situation. New York's Democrat Maurice Hinchey, for instance, talks about the "oil men" in the White House while he either ignorantly or knowingly exploits the situation for his own political advancement.

Here's some truths from WebCPA with studies done by CCH. In the past year, eight states have raised their gasoline taxes with Minn. leading the way with a two cent hike. Additionally, while one side of every politician's mouth blurts outrage over the suffering citizen, the other side has authorized increases allowing sales taxes to increase up to 1% with Indiana, Iowa, and Maryland leading the way. Only Utah dropped its taxes--from 10% to 4.65%. Is it possible that Utah is the only state concerned with its citizens' woes?

Why? Simple. Gas taxes fund highway projects (or at least they're supposed to) when coupled with the Federal Government's matching funds. This oil crisis is a BOON for governments. They've got their sticky fingers on every available taxpayer dime.

So while Russia drills 50 miles off our shores and China drills 30 miles off our shores with certainly less concern for our environment than we have, we cannot drill. We have to be dependent on foreign oil. Because of modern technology and safety features, no oil rig was in jeopardy during Hurricane Katrina. Off the coast of CA it is estimated that oil could be with us within a year, yet our politicians, more concerned with themselves than with us, refuse to allow companies to drill. They claim that oil companies already have leases. True, but the permit process is so cumbersome that it can take decades. NO KIDDING.

Here's an interesting tidbit. Just by President Bush lifting the executive order against drilling and asking Congress to act, oil futures dropped!!!! Want more reasonable energy prices. Get Congress to do its job!!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Obama must read my blog! I commented on the professionally painted van I spotted in Monroe, New York bearing the accusation, “Bigots vote Republican.” (

No sooner do I mention that we’re being told the reason people don’t vote for Obama is race than he shoves that right in our faces! At a Florida fund raiser, he said, “They’re [Republicans] going to try to make us afraid…He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s Black?”

Interesting rhetoric and interesting reasons. How did the commentators respond?

Jonathan Smith, Democratic strategist, said this morning on Fox News that Republicans have done the race thing before, citing the Willie Horton ads in 1988. Smith apparently relied on the fact that many voters do not remember the specifics.

Yes, Horton was Black. But he was in a Massachusetts penitentiary on a life-without-parole sentence for stabbing a 17 year old 19 times and leaving his body in a dumpster. In 1986 Horton was released on a “weekend furlough,” a Massachusetts rehabilitation program, from which he did not return. Instead, in 1987, he twice raped a Maryland woman and assaulted her fiancé. The Maryland judge who sentenced him refused to send Horton back to Massachusetts saying he was afraid Horton would be released again. Horton remains in a Maryland prison today.

In fact, 268 Massachusetts prisoners escaped instead of returning at the end of their furlough weekend.

Michael Dukakis, governor or Massachusetts, was the Democratic nominee for President. He did not initiate the furlough program but did not end it, and he vetoed a bill to stop it. The furlough program remained in effect until after Dukakis left office.

There were ads on television about Willie Horton and about the other escapees. They did highlight Dukakis’ attitude.

SO, Jonathan Smith lied. The problem with Horton was not that he was Black. It was that he was a murderer, a rapist, a robber, and a thoroughly recalcitrant criminal. Not the same thing at all.

It is not that Obama is Black that will make me vote against him. It is that he is inexperienced in all areas, cannot choose acquaintances or advisers correctly, makes inflammatory statements while he accuses others of hitting below the belt, and subscribes to a political philosophy, basic Marxism, that is totally abhorrent to me. His redistribution of wealth policy is the one thing he does make clear.

No one wants to be called a racist, and this tactic is dishonest and extremely problematic because honesty is called into question.

Monday, June 16, 2008


While the pro-Obama media likes to suggest that any objection to Obama is race inspired, one of my many reasons for voting against Obama is the company he keeps. (see Latest in that line of bad acquaintances are Eric Holder and Jim Johnson, members—now past members simply because the truth came out—of his Vice President Search team.

Why should we know Eric Holder’s name? He was behind the Bill Clinton “last minute of his presidency” pardon of Marc Rich, the international criminal and fugitive sought for making illegal oil deals with Iran during the hostage crisis. Coincidentally, his ex-wife, Denise Rich, is a big contributor to the Clinton campaigns. Clinton’s other advisors, by the way, sought to deny this pardon that even the New York Times called “indefensible.”

More offensive than facilitating Rich’s pardon, Eric Holder was also behind the last minute pardons of 16 FALN members who carried out terrorist attacks against the United States: 120 bombs resulting in six deaths and severe injuries and maiming to others. These terrorists who refused to renounce violence and terrorism despite the pardon accounted for 16 of the 140 pardons Clinton issued on his final day in office. When I consider Eric Holder’s past “contributions,” I have to puzzle about Obama’s consistent lack of judgement in choosing the people with which he associates and in whom he puts his trust.

Obama did not try to justify his pick of Holder, but would he go back to his excuse for being friends with William Ayers the Weather Underground member who also favors bombings and refuses to denounce the terrorism he once employed? Obama says he was only a child when Ayers was bombing government buildings and supporting the murderers in the 1983 Brinks robbery in Nanuet, New York. Forgive and forget? That could be why Obama doesn’t begin to understand the Amadinijads of this world.

Jim Johnson, a manager of that same Obama Vice President search team, resigned this week because of personal loan deals in which he received the kind of preferential rates you and I will never see--with the help of Angelo Mozilo, CEO of Countrywide Financial Corp., part of the federal investigation surrounding the subprime mortgage fiasco that has led to such widespread negative economic consequences across the country. How can Obama trust a man like this?

Barak Obama’s obvious inability to surround himself with wise and knowledgeable advisors should be a red flag for all of us. No president is an expert on everything, so he makes his decisions based on his own beliefs and knowledge as well as the knowledge of experts and advisors he chooses to aid him. Many of the people Barak Obama relies upon are of dubious and sometimes of criminal character. We, the people, should be worried.

About the race thing I alluded to at the top of my post, I spotted a professionally painted “Vote for Obama” van in Monroe, New York with this lettering: “Racists vote Republican.” I’ve a feeling this is just the beginning.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


This morning CNN made a big deal and a lot of fun about John McCain saying he would "veto any 'beer,' I mean bill that contains earmarks...." (GOOD FOR HIM) They're going to pounce on everything he says that doesn't quite work as a reason not to vote for him.
Well, if you want to see what happens when Obama doesn't have a script or teleprompter, look at these two. Not quite the smooth, savvy guy some in our country like to think they know.
Let me make myself clear. Uttering an incorrect word or getting flustered and tongue-tied shouldn't matter one iota, but Democrats and liberals use these examples all the time. "Misspeaking" enabled them to label Dan Quayle a moron--and the public bought it. George W. Bush mispronounced "nuclear," and it made headlines. We're still hearing about his alleged studpidity. John McCain once mixed up Iraq and Iran (two wholey dissimilar words?) and it was attributed to age. These videos of Obama then, take the cake! If Obama were a Republican, there would be a Congressional move to have him institutionalized!!!! Just take a gander--because what's good for the goose, IS good for the gander.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Everybody is complaining about oil and gas prices, but it’s business as usual in governmental offices all over the country. Picture in your mind's eye a politician’s profile. (I wish I could draw this cartoon for you.)

One side of his face is frowning—a sign of his concern for the people and the added costs of gasoline. He’s intent on going after big oil! Those companies are making too much money!!!! “Let’s legislate an excess profits tax to fix those high prices. Power to the people!”

But turn that two-faced liar around, and you see a smiley face! Higher gas prices mean Power to the Government! Taxes on gasoline is the federal and state cash cow, and those hungry politicians can’t wait to get hold of a teat! I wrote about that in Not With a Whimper on May 23rd. Go there for a cost breakdown for a gallon at $3.81.

But get this, the “sympathetic” legislatures in some states, Kentucky, Florida, and Massachusetts to name just three, are raising gasoline taxes. Only Georgia has halted a slated rise. With sympathy like that, who needs OPEC. Other states, California for instance, index the tax with the price of gasoline. The $4.00 a gallon Californians ante up brings in 5 Billion Dollars in tax revenue. If you think your Californian legislators are going to give that up, think again.

But everyone has the oil companies as the scapegoat even though U.S. oil companies have not been allowed to drill for oil anywhere in the United States and thereby increase the supply. Nor have they been allowed to build refineries. Meanwhile we buy from Russian owned Lukoil and Chavez owned Citgo, etc. etc. etc. as the king would say. We just send our dollars out of the country.

U.S. oil companies flushing us down the tubes? I think not. It’s our politicians.

One way to bring the price of gasoline down is to use less. The U.S. has already cut consumption by .3% while in the same period, China and India have upped theirs by over 4%. Power to the People means cutting back. A second way is demanding from our politicians that we allow our oil companies to tap into our resources and free us from foreign domination. Brazil just discovered major oil deposits off its coast. They're ecstatic!

China is drilling off Cuba—diagonally into our waters where we should be drilling. We’re just giving it away. Rather, our politicians are giving it away.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


You just can’t make this stuff up! What do YOU Think?

The Democratic Party cannot manage itself and still is asking “we the people” to give them control of the country. Hmmmm Not a good idea.

Look at it: The Democratic Party has disenfranchised all the citizens in two states because the states didn’t hold their primaries as the party dictated. I wrote about negating the people’s choices in January:


They’re holding a convention where the “Super Delegates,” not the will of the voters from the states, will dominate the convention. That’s the case even though elected delegates are only committed on the first round of votes. The leaders of the party, John Dean, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid want decisions made by next Friday (before the convention) where elected delegates are free to vote as they choose after the first ballot.

Though neither Obama nor Hillary have the requisite number of delegates to secure the nomination, the party is calling on Hillary to pack it up and go home. The Party has chosen the candidate, and the heck with the rest of you; you won’t even have a say at the convention.
This whole thing is particularly scary because they keep touting themselves as the party of the people. Hmmmmmm. I guess that works if the people like the idea of having politicians making and instituting all the choices. Not me.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Congress is grilling oil execs telling them to come clean about their “excess” profits. How about Congress coming clean? I don’t think there’s detergent strong enough! Dick Durban (D Ill) asked the execs, “Where is the corporate conscience?” Where’s Congress’ conscience is a better question!

At the hearings, Maxine Waters (D CA) got on her high horse about oil companies’ earnings, but she never—nor do other politicians—reveals who is really getting the money boon. She also, by the way, threatened to try to socialize the oil industry. Interesting. Congress should allow oil exploration if it really wants to work on supply and demand. Brazil just found huge reserves off their coast. They're ecstatic!

Sen. Patrick Leahy wanted to be a funny guy with his sarcastic tone as he asked the oil execs their salaries—a question they couldn’t ask him in return.

If you paid around $3.81 a gallon recently, here’s the cost breakdown according to CNN this morning-5/23/08:
$2.79 = crude oil
.38 = refining
.22 = marketing (there’s your oil company, your transporters, your gas stations)
.42 = taxes

Next to the Saudis, Venezuelans, or other crude oil suppliers, notice that it’s OUR GOVERNMENT REAPING THE PROFITS!!!!! Politicians are not interested in helping citizens deal with ever-increasing fuel costs. They love America’s love affair with gas-guzzling SUVs and trucks that don’t have to meet fuel requirements. A gas pump is a cash cow for politicians! Why should we spend our money as we see fit; politicians get our money in taxes to spend as they see fit! Hillary Clinton loves the idea of an “Excess Profits Tax.” Obama says that he doesn't think the oil companies will part with their profits easily. Hmmmmmm

Think about it. What’s an excess profit? The oil companies’ profit percentages are actually lower than other big companies, and while oil execs are richly paid, think about what movie stars earn. Who is to determine where the “too much” line is?

Let’s say these liberal politicians get their excess profits tax. Think about how much of that $.22 a gallon will be considered “excess profit.” You don’t really think the price of gas will go down, do you? But state and federal tax income will go up! Hmmmmmmmm

Who would an “excess” profit tax hurt? Not the oil execs. They have their contracts, and they won’t have to worry. But if you are an investor, have investment savings in a company’s pension plan, have a 401K, a 403B, a Keogh plan, some shares in mutual funds, or any other kind of investment plan, you are the one who is going to be hurt because the government is going to hit you, yet again, where you can’t defend yourself—in your pocket book. Your investment will lose its profitability if the government sets limits on the profits a business may earn. Just about every fund or investment manager has a piece of an oil company. Now you're sharing the profits and loving watching your investments grow; leave it to Congress and they will grab their share of the profits and your investments will falter.

You'll react to the Excess Profits Tax. Chances are you’ll blame the downturn in your investments on the economy, but the truth is the blame is on Congress. Listen to who the big talkers are—like Maxine Waters with her stated socialist agenda—and you’ll find out who is more than anxious to rake you over the coals because they think you’re too dumb to discern the truth.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


After reading about Black Liberation Theology and the Social Gospel and after hearing Obama say that he learned about the Social Gospel from Rev. Jeremiah Wright and that is something he wants to follow, I have to again question Obama's "truthiness."

This is the same guy who is against President Bush's suggestion that faith-based organizations do a very good job delivering social services to the needy? According to Obama, apparently, even when Bush is right (about delivering help to the needy), he's wrong. Duh! This is where Obama should say he agrees with the president. It's no way to prove he can do a good job looking out for the good of the country and the needy in society.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


One summer when I was a kid and had just moved to a new neighborhood, my parents kept me to an early curfew. Years later, my mother explained that curfew. She didn’t care for my some of new friends. She gave me that old line “You’re known by the company you keep,” and she wanted me as far away from them as possible. Of course I didn’t know her reasoning then, but that fall, I found new friends in my new school and activities.

You ARE known by the company you keep. You wouldn’t be with them if there weren’t some shared attraction and understanding. So it is with Barak Obama. His friends would be people my parents wouldn’t want as my buddies, and they would have me home very early—if they let me out at all.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s ideas are extreme, anti-American, and anti-White. Black Liberation theology, according to Professor Anthony Bradley (Asst. Prof. at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis), states that

  • all evil in the world is caused by White racism
  • deals with continued victimization of Blacks
  • is rooted in Marxism as a means of redistribution of wealth

Barak Obama says that Rev. Wright is a mentor of his. If Obama believes as the Rev. does, will he be a president for all the people in our society, or will he be a president with an agenda to destroy the idea of America envisioned by our founding fathers and the great people who followed them?

You’re known by the company you keep.

William Ayers was a member of the radical Weather Underground that claimed responsibility for a dozen bombings. He went underground after a nail bomb they were constructing in a Greenwich Village townhouse exploded and killed three Weather Underground members. Ayers surrendered to authorities in 1981. He was never prosecuted because of prosecutorial problems while he was being sought. He has never expressed remorse for his actions, and he claims that the bombings were not acts of terrorism. He adopted the child of Weather Underground’s Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert who carried out, with members of the Black Liberation Army, the 1981 Brinks Robbery in the Nanuet Mall and killed two Nyack police officers and a Brinks guard. (BTW, there is a scholarship in Officer Waverly Brown’s name at SV High School where I taught) Today William Ayers feels he is often treated unfairly because of his past.

Barak Obama defended his acquaintance with William Ayers saying that Barak was only eight years old when Ayers committed these acts. I guess Obama’s a “forgive and forget” kind of guy. That might be why he wants to sit down with Cuban leaders; he doesn't remember missles and Cuba. I don’t think my mother would have let me hang around with William Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dohrn. Terrorism, murder, robbery, various other kinds of criminal acts and anti-Americanism weren’t her thing!

You’re known by the company you keep.

Then there’s Tony Rezko, indicted on federal charges in 2006. There’s Rev. Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ’s award to Louis Farrakhan, an anti-White, Anti-Semite activist.

Take these friends and think about the influences on Barak Obama. Take these friends and think about Obama’s lack of judgment in choosing his acquaintances. There is a common thread. They are not people who respect or love America. Michelle Obama has been proud of America only once, and she has no trouble complaining about having to pay back her student loans for her Harvard education. I’ll go with my mother’s wisdom, and I’ll look for my President among those who have served our country and whose children and wife serve our country as well. I’d like to be known by the company I keep.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Once again the Democrats are working on ratcheting down our military. Last time they were able to accomplish that was when Bill Clinton “streamlined” the Federal payroll by cutting the military. The result was that our early Iraq warriors were not decently equipped. Now, New York State is cutting use of the National Guard, and the result is that high target areas like Grand Central Station, airports, and subways will no longer be guarded. Our infamous and thankfully former Governor Eliot Spitzer even wanted nuclear power plants to pay for the Guard’s protection—the only installations required to do so—but in that case cool heads prevailed and the legislature turned it down.

Now under our new “I did it too but I got a pass” governor, Patterson, we are getting a bunch of double-speak. Here’s a choice quote from Eric Durr, director of public affairs (you know Durr’s job creates lots of methane gas) for the Division of Military and Naval Affairs, “You might not see the guy at Grand Central Station everyday…but that doesn’t mean you’re alone.” I’d like to know what it does mean.

The new budget for the Division represents a $400 million decrease from last year that Durr assures us isn’t quite as bad as it seems because it represents “federal money for disaster relief stuff, for emergency preparedness stuff, for Homeland Security.” Huh???? I guess the Democratic controlled Congress is really concerned about our safety—NOT.

It all falls into place when you look at the entire Democratic approach to Homeland Security coupled with their salivating appetite for the White House. It’s all about the election. Lull us into the false security we felt prior to 2001.

Juxtapose this Democratic view with the fact that we have not had an attack since 9/11 although the government has foiled plots against us and the terrorists have continued to strike in other countries.

It’s a lot easier to sleep at night if you buy in to the Democrats. The trouble is you might not wake up in the morning.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


With all the hoopla about the Olympics in China and the disruptions along the Olympic Flame’s route by protestors on both sides of the Tibet issue, it was interesting this morning to hear the Dalai Lama express his views.

The Dalai Lama said that protests are good—on both sides. It is worse to stifle voices than it is to allow them to be heard. The problem in Tibet stems from taking away Freedom—particularly Freedom of Speech. Freedom is what brings Peace.

Apply those sage ideas to our own situation in the United States. I have heard that same idea in relation to Iraq. I’ve heard it from President Bush even as he is vilified by his opponents for taking that stand. Freedom brings peace. It doesn’t do it overnight, and freedom is certainly not easy to achieve, but Peace is not found without it.

Think about it.