There is a huge body count as Obama continues to throw folks Under the Bus.
Let's go back to the U.N. where he once again apologized for America to the world. He doesn't seem to get tired doing that, and this time he touted himself as the person making the change in our country. So he called on the world to leave their negative feelings (though well-earned) behind in this new and far better era. Americans under the bus.
He once again vocalized his extremely negative and antagonistic feelings toward Israel by doubting the legitimacy of Israel's claims dating back to 1967. That, of course, has prompted a self-righteous response from the Palestinians about those lands. Israel under the bus.
He refused to confront Iran, much to Sarkozy's chagrin. That information is still coming out. According to some sources, Obama did not want anything said about the “secret” nuclear facility, etc., because he did not want to tarnish his image in front of the U.N. France and the rest of the west, including us under the bus. If you watch any of the news videos, look at Sarkozy's expression as Obama speaks.
While we're still at the U.N., tell me why we are giving millions of dollars to charities in Qaddafi's Libya. This murderous but oil-rich dictator spent his time at the U.N. insulting and condemning the United States. He also welcomed home his “hero,” the man responsible for the Lockerbie bombing. That, apparently, is ok with Obama who has us additionally giving $200,000 each to two of Qaddafi's children for their foundations. The son, by the way, arranged for the bomber's release and arranged the welcome home party. Let's throw all the families of that heinous crime under the bus. (I note there is a question about the money to the kids as Congress questions; I could not find anything about the rest of the money) If you have info, please post a comment.
There was a special weekend at the end of September for Gold Star families. The newest families of our fallen could even register on line. The program was held on the lawn of the Capitol. Among the speakers was Kevin Bacon. I tried to find who represented the government. I want to know where the Commander-in-Chief of our military was or who he sent in his stead or read a statement honoring all the families that have lost children. I could not find a program, and I could not find an answer to my questions. If you know, please let me know. Otherwise, I add all members of the military and all the families who have lost their young people.
I can continue the military theme by Obama's delay in making a decision on Afghanistan and for not having Gates forward General McChrystal's report. Brings to mind the entire quotation “Ignorance is bliss when 'tis folly to be wise.” Most people do not look at the second part of that quotation.
Anything else? If you wish, comment or add to this list.
Technorati Tags:
Obama, U.N., Iran, Qaddafi, Sarkozy, Israel, Palestinians, politics, political blogs, Not With a Whimper, Lockerbie, Weekend of Rememberance, Gold Star, McChrystle, war, Afghanistan, commentary
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