In his latest Under the Bus Attack on our allies, Barak Obama COINCIDENTALLY on the 70th anniversary of Russia's invasion of Poland, abruptly cancelled the long-planned missile shield for Eastern Europe. The agreements with Poland and the Czech Republic, allies in our war in Iraq, cost their leaders political capital in their own countries. That doesn't matter to Obama. Russia's President Medvedev called Obama's action “a responsible move.” Of course this all comes only a few days before Obama meets with Medvedev at the United Nations and the Group of 20 economic summit. Let's make sure we support our "loyal friends and supporters."
Obama's reasoning, he says, is that Iran's nuclear capabilities were over-estimated.
Let's ignore the fact that the world's top atomic watchdog just released this report from Vienna: “Teheran has the ability to make a nuclear bomb and is on the way to developing a missile system able to carry an atomic warhead, according to a secret report seen by The Associated Press. The document drafted by senior officials at the International Atomic Energy Agency is the clearest indication yet that the agency's leaders share Washington's views on Iran's weapon-making capabilities.”
SO WHO'S LYING? Is Obama ever going to get tired of bending over to pick up the soap in the shower? It's obviously not torture to him.
Here's another first in the Obama presidency--in fact in all presidencies. He revoked the visa of the PRESIDENT OF HONDURAS because he sides with the left-leaning outstered former president, Zelaya, who wanted to change the Honduran Constitution to eliminate term limits, a move ruled unconstitutional by the Honduran Supreme Court who also had their visas revoked. AN ATROCITY LIKE THIS, A VISA REVOCATION OF ANOTHER COUNTRY'S LEADER HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. IT IS A BADGE OF SHAME AND A DISGRACE TO OUR NATION. Cozy up to Zelaya and Chavez. Pass judgement on another country's constitution. It's an interesting insight into Obama's beliefs and not really anything he did not reveal in his campaign—but people did not see Hope and Change for what it really is in this man's mind.
A pattern emerged quite early in the Obama administration. Throw Non-Believers Under the Bus. It became obvious when Obama didn't get his way at the April 2009 G20 summit when European leaders scoffed at Obama and generally agreed that the U.S. would no longer play the dominate role it has in the past. Especially vocal, if you remember was France's Nicolas Sarcozy who cited Obama's inexperience. I guess this jolted Obama's “I have a gift” ego.
We witnessed how he treated England's Prime Minister Gordon Brown, gifting him with 25 dvds of American movie classics, incompatible, btw, with English dvd players.. He added insult to injury by gifting Queen Elizabeth with an iPod containing, among other "treasures," recordings of his speeches.. He was also complicit in neglecting to invite the Queen, the only living head of state involved and displaying for her people an example of courage during World War II, to the D-Day Anniversary Ceremonies at Normandy.
He threw Georgia under the bus when the Russians violated their sovereignty despite the fact that Georgia is a country who supported us in our Iraq efforts.
Perhaps most heinous is throwing us, the United States, under the bus by cronying up to the likes of Hugo Chavez, Castro, and other far-left, radical, anti-American leaders. He put pressure on Israel, our only real ally in the Middle East representing the only democracy in that area while he bowed to the Saudis and pledged money to repair damage caused in Gaza as Israel defended itself against daily bombing attacks in cities like Sderot.
Let's not forget the guaranteed bond holders who were called unpatriotic for actually wanting what the law guaranteed them when the car companies were appropriated by the government.
Let's not forget the seniors who will be facing government devised tables that decide when an “investment” in their health will bring a fair return on the money spent. Senator McCaskell stated yesterday that she wants to save money by denying wheelchairs and mechanized scooters.
Let's not forget the honest protesters at tea parties and town hall meetings—many who voted for Obama (to their everlasting shame)--who have been called unpatriotic.
Let's not forget people who dare to disagree are racist, branded by, among others, racist anti-Semite Jimmy Carter, two of whose books are highly recommended by that astute literary critic Osama bin Laden.
Let's not forget that dissenters are possible home-grown terrorists according to Homeland Security's Janet Napolitano, and just yesterday as proponents of violence as a teary-eyed (as much as possible with such massive amounts of botox in her face) Nancy Pelosi suggested. True, Obama doesn't comment. He could stop the madness, but it is all part of the game plan.
AND LET'S NOT FORGET FOX NEWS, especially with Obama appearing on five Sunday news programs yesterday—including on Univision (What the heck is that?) and the late night programs as well. THAT'S THROWING EVERY FOX NEWS VIEWER UNDER THE BUS. IT TELLS US WE ARE UNIMPORTANT AND THAT WE DON'T COUNT. I GUESS OBAMA IS NOT EVERYONE'S PRESIDENT, JUST HIS SUPPORTERS'.
I will keep mentioning UNDER THE BUS tactics. No doubt there will be many more.
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politics, commentary, Obama, President, Canada, Not With a Whimper, political blogs, Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, missile shield, Medvedev, United Nations, Teheran, Associated Press, International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran, Honduras, Zelaya, Gordon Brown, Queen Elizabeth, Georgia, Chavez, Castro, Israel, Sderot, McCaskell, Jimmy Carter, Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security, Osama bin Laden, Nancy Pelosi, FOXAdd to: | Technorati | Digg | | Yahoo | BlinkList | Spurl | reddit | Furl |