Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Since the beginning or June I’ve been pointing out just how much government loves gasoline taxes and how we’ll never see relief from the politicians. (http://a-big-bang.blogspot.com/2008/07/more-on-our-gas-woes-dont-expect.html) All of a sudden the news is filled with reports that our highway infrastructure is in tremendous disrepair. Believe me, folks, they’re preparing you for what is to come.

Just listen and read—in the coming weeks we’ll hear about bridges, tunnels, and major arteries that will cause horrific disasters because of neglect. We’ll be afraid to drive over a bridge or through a tunnel. BTW, according to an AP article on July 19, 2008, just three years ago the Highway Trust Fund had a 3 billion dollar surplus. So let me ask, “Why has our infrastructure fallen apart when there was money to spare? How did this happen so quickly?” Hmmmmmm

The skinny is, again according to the AP, that lawmakers are “quietly talking about raising fuel taxes by a dime from the current 18.4 cents a gallon on gasoline and 24.3 cents on diesel fuel.” That’s federal gasoline taxes we’re talking about. Seems to me the states will feel the same pinch and move in the same direction. Tighten your money belts; it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

Meanwhile, Congress is adjourning for their summer break (but don’t let me get on that topic) without doing one thing to help us. While Pelosi is “saving the planet,” our country, despite promises made by the Democratic majority in Congress, is falling apart. No wonder Congress’ ratings are the way they are—far lower than the President’s. Let’s drill, go nuclear, employ wind and solar power, develop hydro-electric cars, etc. Let’s do it NOW!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


There are so many things about Barak Obama I don’t like that as he continues and the negatives add up, I’ve begun sighing deeply in exasperation.

This European tour is one more bad example of how he would lead our country. It’s bad enough that he panders here at home, but abroad he is slick, oily, and unfortunately attractive because he feeds every negative Europeans have of us.

He got the biggest applause in Germany when he apologized for us. The crowd went wild at the mention of torture. For Obama anything more than the milk & cookies approach is torture. He also pointed out how we haven’t lived up to our ideals. Perhaps he should read that our aim is to “create a more perfect union.” What direction is the country moving because of his candidacy? It is moving in the “more perfect” direction.

In Germany we thwarted their national goals in two devastating wars and then had The Marshall Plan to rebuild them into a major power. We gallantly fed them when they were boxed in by the Soviet Union and then flexed our muscles just enough to see the Berlin Wall reduced to rubble and East Germany reunited with the west, Obama somehow envisions Germany a model? Huh? That is the same country experiencing a resurgence of skinheads and neo-Nazis, isn’t it? Aren’t they having problems with the influx of illegal immigrants? Haven’t terrorist cells been located there? Still doing business with Iran? They helped us when we needed it, right? Nein. Is this the model Obama sees for us?

We twice saved France from Germany’s national goals and then waited outside Paris so that de Gaulle could lead a triumphant march back to the Eiffel Tower. In “gratitude” he later threatened to break the U.S. dollar. Obama cozied up to Sarkozy, the man who demands a second referendum in Ireland (he didn't like the outcome of the first) because the people there don’t want the limitations of the European Union’s Lisbon Treaty; they know what bowing to the socialist-leaning EU will do to curtail the Celtic Tiger’s economy. That is the same France with double-digit unemployment compared to our slightly more than 5% rate. That is the same France beleaguered with riots by their immigrants. That is the same France rife with but unwilling to deal with anti-Semitic crimes. That is the same France that cannot stand the fact that English is the international language. France loves to do business with Iran. Is this the model Obama sees for us?

At the same time Obama sucked up to these people, he couldn’t bring himself to see our troops in the hospital in Germany. I received an email, too, but won’t print it because it is uncorroborated that stated he snubbed the troops in Afghanistan and went straightaway with the General. I don’t recall seeing any photos of him with our troops. Did you?

Speaking about war, by the way, Obama grudgingly admits the surge is working. But he’d still vote against it. Tail between his legs, Obama would run. Says he’d listen to the generals on the ground but still would vote against the surge. They’re the ones who suggested a change in tactics and the surge. Obama’s statement makes no sense to me.

The press said Obama looked presidential. He’s a good looking guy. Dress me up and I will look presidential too. And I bet I know a heck of a lot more about America and what it stands for and its history than he does. I bet I wouldn’t sell us short to people who want to see us cut off at the knees. That’s just what Obama will do if he gets the chance. Not with my vote.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


The Senate's vote on Wed to TRIPLE spending for a much acclaimed program to protect against AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis is a sign that the U.S.A. remains a leader in helping those around the world. We actually deliver what we pledge unlike many other countries in the world. It is the most ambitious health program ever in the history of the United States.

Unfortuately, this $48 billion dollar package DOES NOT HELP ANYONE HERE. It all goes to Africa--granted the continent is being decimated by these diseases, internal wars, external wars, corrupt governments, sectarian fighting, genocide, racial strife and practically every other man-made and natural disaster there is. BUT...

1. This is the same Congress that does not pass spending bills to keep our military safe and well-equipped. Replacement truck parts in Iraq, for instance, may be a year in waiting because vendors are unpaid; the newspapers are full of reports of faulty electrical work and shoddy electrical equipment resulting in military deaths and injuries, and Congress keeps screaming about the expense of the Iraq war.

This is the same Congress that complains about a "recession," "bad economy," and the plight of Americans who can't afford to buy the things they need WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING SUBSTANATIVE to control the situation.

This is the same Congress that talks about energy and reducing oil independence to bring down prices but which doesn't legislate consistent tax breaks for people to afford solar or wind energy or who add doors, window, etc. to lessen their individual use of resources or for companies to afford technological development. (Remember that Kennedy and Kerry opposed wind farms that might mar their Massachusetts views of the Atlantic ocean)

This is the same Congress led by that despicable Nancy Pelosi who damns the President with his low approval rating while leading a do-nothing Congress with an approval rating 20 points below President Bush's.

This is the same Congress that WILL BREAK FOR SUMMER RECESS WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING about any of the problems that beset us.


This bill, this latest assault on our wallets, is their own "feel good," global way of looking busy. It goes along with their interest in any possible sports irregularities such as steroid useage--obviously problems of vital national interest. Ha Ha It goes along with their constant supoenas issued to presidential aides, etc., to get headlines for their party while ignoring, with the media's complicity, the wrongdoing of such members as Charlie Rangel with his four rent-subsidized apts.--three to create a spacious home for himself and one as an office, or Chris Dodd's special treatment in getting mortgages, etc. Or my own Senator, Chuck Schumer (photo upChuck) whose comments may have contributed to IndyMac's bank failure. According to NPR,

"Twelve days earlier, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY), a member of the Senate Banking Committee, had written to bank regulators warning that "a significant move by IndyMac's depositors to redeem their deposits could leave the firm in a disastrous financial situation." Once those letters became public, Schumer's worst fears were realized.

More ironically is that Schumer, when blamed, quickly pointed out that those pointing fingers at him were using "Bush tactics." DUH!

I know I'm rambling a bit, but launching the biggest health initiative ever--in Africa--at a time when we can't balance our budget, don't adequately fund the military (including Veteran hospitals, etc.), need to develop an energy policy (which will be expensive), seek to lessen the tax burden for our citizens, protect the Homeland (also expensive), rebuild failing infrastructure, and help those damaged by floods, fires, and other recent natural disasters is another example of Congress' misguided thinking, its inability to focus and accomplish anything positive for our country, its self-congratulatory smugness, and its damaging partisanship that puts party above country. Would that we could toss the whole lot out!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I pointed out at the beginning of June just how much of a governmental cash cow gasoline taxes are. ( http://a-big-bang.blogspot.com/2008/06/gas-taxes-is-governments-cash-cow.html )Don't expect any relief from your elected officials, Democrat or Republican--there's too much money and power at stake here. We will get their gas--hot air--finger pointing--and condescension as they look at us as too stupid to grasp the reality of the situation. New York's Democrat Maurice Hinchey, for instance, talks about the "oil men" in the White House while he either ignorantly or knowingly exploits the situation for his own political advancement.

Here's some truths from WebCPA with studies done by CCH. In the past year, eight states have raised their gasoline taxes with Minn. leading the way with a two cent hike. Additionally, while one side of every politician's mouth blurts outrage over the suffering citizen, the other side has authorized increases allowing sales taxes to increase up to 1% with Indiana, Iowa, and Maryland leading the way. Only Utah dropped its taxes--from 10% to 4.65%. Is it possible that Utah is the only state concerned with its citizens' woes?

Why? Simple. Gas taxes fund highway projects (or at least they're supposed to) when coupled with the Federal Government's matching funds. This oil crisis is a BOON for governments. They've got their sticky fingers on every available taxpayer dime.

So while Russia drills 50 miles off our shores and China drills 30 miles off our shores with certainly less concern for our environment than we have, we cannot drill. We have to be dependent on foreign oil. Because of modern technology and safety features, no oil rig was in jeopardy during Hurricane Katrina. Off the coast of CA it is estimated that oil could be with us within a year, yet our politicians, more concerned with themselves than with us, refuse to allow companies to drill. They claim that oil companies already have leases. True, but the permit process is so cumbersome that it can take decades. NO KIDDING.

Here's an interesting tidbit. Just by President Bush lifting the executive order against drilling and asking Congress to act, oil futures dropped!!!! Want more reasonable energy prices. Get Congress to do its job!!!!