Since the beginning or June I’ve been pointing out just how much government loves gasoline taxes and how we’ll never see relief from the politicians. ( All of a sudden the news is filled with reports that our highway infrastructure is in tremendous disrepair. Believe me, folks, they’re preparing you for what is to come.
Just listen and read—in the coming weeks we’ll hear about bridges, tunnels, and major arteries that will cause horrific disasters because of neglect. We’ll be afraid to drive over a bridge or through a tunnel. BTW, according to an AP article on July 19, 2008, just three years ago the Highway Trust Fund had a 3 billion dollar surplus. So let me ask, “Why has our infrastructure fallen apart when there was money to spare? How did this happen so quickly?” Hmmmmmm
The skinny is, again according to the AP, that lawmakers are “quietly talking about raising fuel taxes by a dime from the current 18.4 cents a gallon on gasoline and 24.3 cents on diesel fuel.” That’s federal gasoline taxes we’re talking about. Seems to me the states will feel the same pinch and move in the same direction. Tighten your money belts; it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!
Meanwhile, Congress is adjourning for their summer break (but don’t let me get on that topic) without doing one thing to help us. While Pelosi is “saving the planet,” our country, despite promises made by the Democratic majority in Congress, is falling apart. No wonder Congress’ ratings are the way they are—far lower than the President’s. Let’s drill, go nuclear, employ wind and solar power, develop hydro-electric cars, etc. Let’s do it NOW!
Just listen and read—in the coming weeks we’ll hear about bridges, tunnels, and major arteries that will cause horrific disasters because of neglect. We’ll be afraid to drive over a bridge or through a tunnel. BTW, according to an AP article on July 19, 2008, just three years ago the Highway Trust Fund had a 3 billion dollar surplus. So let me ask, “Why has our infrastructure fallen apart when there was money to spare? How did this happen so quickly?” Hmmmmmm
The skinny is, again according to the AP, that lawmakers are “quietly talking about raising fuel taxes by a dime from the current 18.4 cents a gallon on gasoline and 24.3 cents on diesel fuel.” That’s federal gasoline taxes we’re talking about. Seems to me the states will feel the same pinch and move in the same direction. Tighten your money belts; it’s gonna be a bumpy ride!
Meanwhile, Congress is adjourning for their summer break (but don’t let me get on that topic) without doing one thing to help us. While Pelosi is “saving the planet,” our country, despite promises made by the Democratic majority in Congress, is falling apart. No wonder Congress’ ratings are the way they are—far lower than the President’s. Let’s drill, go nuclear, employ wind and solar power, develop hydro-electric cars, etc. Let’s do it NOW!
oil fuel gas taxes politicians commentary politics Congress President AP "Associated+Press"