Saturday, June 21, 2008


Obama must read my blog! I commented on the professionally painted van I spotted in Monroe, New York bearing the accusation, “Bigots vote Republican.” (

No sooner do I mention that we’re being told the reason people don’t vote for Obama is race than he shoves that right in our faces! At a Florida fund raiser, he said, “They’re [Republicans] going to try to make us afraid…He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s Black?”

Interesting rhetoric and interesting reasons. How did the commentators respond?

Jonathan Smith, Democratic strategist, said this morning on Fox News that Republicans have done the race thing before, citing the Willie Horton ads in 1988. Smith apparently relied on the fact that many voters do not remember the specifics.

Yes, Horton was Black. But he was in a Massachusetts penitentiary on a life-without-parole sentence for stabbing a 17 year old 19 times and leaving his body in a dumpster. In 1986 Horton was released on a “weekend furlough,” a Massachusetts rehabilitation program, from which he did not return. Instead, in 1987, he twice raped a Maryland woman and assaulted her fiancĂ©. The Maryland judge who sentenced him refused to send Horton back to Massachusetts saying he was afraid Horton would be released again. Horton remains in a Maryland prison today.

In fact, 268 Massachusetts prisoners escaped instead of returning at the end of their furlough weekend.

Michael Dukakis, governor or Massachusetts, was the Democratic nominee for President. He did not initiate the furlough program but did not end it, and he vetoed a bill to stop it. The furlough program remained in effect until after Dukakis left office.

There were ads on television about Willie Horton and about the other escapees. They did highlight Dukakis’ attitude.

SO, Jonathan Smith lied. The problem with Horton was not that he was Black. It was that he was a murderer, a rapist, a robber, and a thoroughly recalcitrant criminal. Not the same thing at all.

It is not that Obama is Black that will make me vote against him. It is that he is inexperienced in all areas, cannot choose acquaintances or advisers correctly, makes inflammatory statements while he accuses others of hitting below the belt, and subscribes to a political philosophy, basic Marxism, that is totally abhorrent to me. His redistribution of wealth policy is the one thing he does make clear.

No one wants to be called a racist, and this tactic is dishonest and extremely problematic because honesty is called into question.

Monday, June 16, 2008


While the pro-Obama media likes to suggest that any objection to Obama is race inspired, one of my many reasons for voting against Obama is the company he keeps. (see Latest in that line of bad acquaintances are Eric Holder and Jim Johnson, members—now past members simply because the truth came out—of his Vice President Search team.

Why should we know Eric Holder’s name? He was behind the Bill Clinton “last minute of his presidency” pardon of Marc Rich, the international criminal and fugitive sought for making illegal oil deals with Iran during the hostage crisis. Coincidentally, his ex-wife, Denise Rich, is a big contributor to the Clinton campaigns. Clinton’s other advisors, by the way, sought to deny this pardon that even the New York Times called “indefensible.”

More offensive than facilitating Rich’s pardon, Eric Holder was also behind the last minute pardons of 16 FALN members who carried out terrorist attacks against the United States: 120 bombs resulting in six deaths and severe injuries and maiming to others. These terrorists who refused to renounce violence and terrorism despite the pardon accounted for 16 of the 140 pardons Clinton issued on his final day in office. When I consider Eric Holder’s past “contributions,” I have to puzzle about Obama’s consistent lack of judgement in choosing the people with which he associates and in whom he puts his trust.

Obama did not try to justify his pick of Holder, but would he go back to his excuse for being friends with William Ayers the Weather Underground member who also favors bombings and refuses to denounce the terrorism he once employed? Obama says he was only a child when Ayers was bombing government buildings and supporting the murderers in the 1983 Brinks robbery in Nanuet, New York. Forgive and forget? That could be why Obama doesn’t begin to understand the Amadinijads of this world.

Jim Johnson, a manager of that same Obama Vice President search team, resigned this week because of personal loan deals in which he received the kind of preferential rates you and I will never see--with the help of Angelo Mozilo, CEO of Countrywide Financial Corp., part of the federal investigation surrounding the subprime mortgage fiasco that has led to such widespread negative economic consequences across the country. How can Obama trust a man like this?

Barak Obama’s obvious inability to surround himself with wise and knowledgeable advisors should be a red flag for all of us. No president is an expert on everything, so he makes his decisions based on his own beliefs and knowledge as well as the knowledge of experts and advisors he chooses to aid him. Many of the people Barak Obama relies upon are of dubious and sometimes of criminal character. We, the people, should be worried.

About the race thing I alluded to at the top of my post, I spotted a professionally painted “Vote for Obama” van in Monroe, New York with this lettering: “Racists vote Republican.” I’ve a feeling this is just the beginning.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


This morning CNN made a big deal and a lot of fun about John McCain saying he would "veto any 'beer,' I mean bill that contains earmarks...." (GOOD FOR HIM) They're going to pounce on everything he says that doesn't quite work as a reason not to vote for him.
Well, if you want to see what happens when Obama doesn't have a script or teleprompter, look at these two. Not quite the smooth, savvy guy some in our country like to think they know.
Let me make myself clear. Uttering an incorrect word or getting flustered and tongue-tied shouldn't matter one iota, but Democrats and liberals use these examples all the time. "Misspeaking" enabled them to label Dan Quayle a moron--and the public bought it. George W. Bush mispronounced "nuclear," and it made headlines. We're still hearing about his alleged studpidity. John McCain once mixed up Iraq and Iran (two wholey dissimilar words?) and it was attributed to age. These videos of Obama then, take the cake! If Obama were a Republican, there would be a Congressional move to have him institutionalized!!!! Just take a gander--because what's good for the goose, IS good for the gander.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Everybody is complaining about oil and gas prices, but it’s business as usual in governmental offices all over the country. Picture in your mind's eye a politician’s profile. (I wish I could draw this cartoon for you.)

One side of his face is frowning—a sign of his concern for the people and the added costs of gasoline. He’s intent on going after big oil! Those companies are making too much money!!!! “Let’s legislate an excess profits tax to fix those high prices. Power to the people!”

But turn that two-faced liar around, and you see a smiley face! Higher gas prices mean Power to the Government! Taxes on gasoline is the federal and state cash cow, and those hungry politicians can’t wait to get hold of a teat! I wrote about that in Not With a Whimper on May 23rd. Go there for a cost breakdown for a gallon at $3.81.

But get this, the “sympathetic” legislatures in some states, Kentucky, Florida, and Massachusetts to name just three, are raising gasoline taxes. Only Georgia has halted a slated rise. With sympathy like that, who needs OPEC. Other states, California for instance, index the tax with the price of gasoline. The $4.00 a gallon Californians ante up brings in 5 Billion Dollars in tax revenue. If you think your Californian legislators are going to give that up, think again.

But everyone has the oil companies as the scapegoat even though U.S. oil companies have not been allowed to drill for oil anywhere in the United States and thereby increase the supply. Nor have they been allowed to build refineries. Meanwhile we buy from Russian owned Lukoil and Chavez owned Citgo, etc. etc. etc. as the king would say. We just send our dollars out of the country.

U.S. oil companies flushing us down the tubes? I think not. It’s our politicians.

One way to bring the price of gasoline down is to use less. The U.S. has already cut consumption by .3% while in the same period, China and India have upped theirs by over 4%. Power to the People means cutting back. A second way is demanding from our politicians that we allow our oil companies to tap into our resources and free us from foreign domination. Brazil just discovered major oil deposits off its coast. They're ecstatic!

China is drilling off Cuba—diagonally into our waters where we should be drilling. We’re just giving it away. Rather, our politicians are giving it away.