Once again the Democrats are working on ratcheting down our military. Last time they were able to accomplish that was when Bill Clinton “streamlined” the Federal payroll by cutting the military. The result was that our early Iraq warriors were not decently equipped. Now, New York State is cutting use of the National Guard, and the result is that high target areas like Grand Central Station, airports, and subways will no longer be guarded. Our infamous and thankfully former Governor Eliot Spitzer even wanted nuclear power plants to pay for the Guard’s protection—the only installations required to do so—but in that case cool heads prevailed and the legislature turned it down.
Now under our new “I did it too but I got a pass” governor, Patterson, we are getting a bunch of double-speak. Here’s a choice quote from Eric Durr, director of public affairs (you know Durr’s job creates lots of methane gas) for the Division of Military and Naval Affairs, “You might not see the guy at Grand Central Station everyday…but that doesn’t mean you’re alone.” I’d like to know what it does mean.
The new budget for the Division represents a $400 million decrease from last year that Durr assures us isn’t quite as bad as it seems because it represents “federal money for disaster relief stuff, for emergency preparedness stuff, for Homeland Security.” Huh???? I guess the Democratic controlled Congress is really concerned about our safety—NOT.
It all falls into place when you look at the entire Democratic approach to Homeland Security coupled with their salivating appetite for the White House. It’s all about the election. Lull us into the false security we felt prior to 2001.
Juxtapose this Democratic view with the fact that we have not had an attack since 9/11 although the government has foiled plots against us and the terrorists have continued to strike in other countries.
It’s a lot easier to sleep at night if you buy in to the Democrats. The trouble is you might not wake up in the morning.
"New+York" "National+Guard" security "Homeland+Security" Patterson Spitzer Democrats military Clinton airports subways "Grand+Central+Station" government election opinion commentary politics politicians congress