Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I just finished talking about sinking to new depths when news of John Edwards seeped through the sewerage. What a bottom feeder he is! Incomparable--at least so far.

I needn't mention his totally inadequate qualifications for the presidential post. I needn't discuss his ridiculous stance on most issues. I needn't point out his lies on virtually every point. He proved today what he is in it for!

Rather than honorably leaving the race because he cannot garner enough support as Hunter, Thompson and Guiliani have done, Edwards is "suspending" his campaign for president. What does that mean, folks? It means that despite the fact that he is no longer running, he is entitled to receive matching government funds--you know, the money you contribute to try to prevent rich people from buying public offices (Corzine succeeded; Romney is still questionable). EDWARDS WANTS THE DOUGH--WIN OR LOSE. Takes a lot of money to keep the guy's hair styled. He's neither a donkey nor an elephant; he's a pig!!!!


Both the Clinton and Obama camps are spinning so dizzyingly, they must be ready to puke! I am ready to puke as I read and hear the results of their spinning. Consider that no Democratic delegates will have a vote at the Democratic Convention as the state was disenfranchised by the National Committee, but they're both claiming victory.

Hillary hightails it back to Florida to celebrate her empty victory and thank the voters of Florida for giving her their all. All of nothing, actually, except a goose for states on Super Tuesday when most of the rest of the country will decide Florida's potential fate for the next four years. Her enthusiasm is as phony as the rest of Hillary who would kill (take that as you please--literally or figuratively) to have those delegates at the convention for her.

Obama sinks to new lows, but he's been watching Hillary so perhaps he has no choice. He touts the Florida results as a TIE. Zero delegates for him and Zero delegates for her. There's no considering that in this meaningless delegate race, she whupped him soundly!

Meanwhile, in the background, you get the clueless Floridians cheering wildly. Duh! It is really time to get off the merry-go-round. We can only hope it's the end of the ride!


You gotta wonder about the lemming mentality among Democrats in states where they've totally lost their say in chosing a nominee at the Democratic Convention. It's part and parcel of the whole Democrat philosophy that says the party leadership is the only source of "what's good for you." Apparently the stupid Dem populace believes that it deserves the kick in the rear that its getting. They follow anyway!!!

They'll follow even as Democrats lead the entire country over the edge of a precipice--in terms of security, economy, and personal freedom. While Democrats mouthe personal freedom and oppose moves such as the Patriot Act, they blithely eliminate delegates from entire states! Florida is just the latest in this primary season. The Florida State Democratic Committee moved the primary date up in advance of Super Tuesday, and Voila! no delegates to the convention. No delegates mean those poor Floridians are treated as idiots and lose their say in choosing the party nominee. Where's the uproar!!!! Don't they get it!!!???

Sunday, January 27, 2008


It’s not surprising that Robert Redford is going to do the movie adaptation of Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods. The book was a NYTimes’ bestseller and touted as outrageously funny. I reviewed it for Third Age Traveler (January, 2008), and found it an interesting read when it stuck to the challenge of hiking the Appalachian Trail and the wonders of being in so removed a natural setting while the world just beyond buzzes along at its frenetic pace.

I found it far less an attractive read as I discovered that Bryson’s sense of humor centers on making un-nice fun of the people and places around him—including a childhood friend who made the trek with him. His contempt is palpable; just like Redford's who uses his celebrity to tell us how to think.

I found it darned obnoxious with each swipe he took at the Forestry service and any other U.S. department or agency he could somehow tangentially fit into the book. ISN’T THAT A PERFECT VEHICLE FOR ROBERT REDFORD? He has found another way to use his celebrity to attack America.

Redford's recent attack in the movies to paint us as the bad guys in the world didn’t go over well, so he will change tactics to point to another irresponsible way (in his misguided opinion) we handle our country. Well, I won’t have to set aside a movie-going evening for this one.

I love, btw, how we’re always told we shouldn’t knock it if we haven’t seen it, but putting money into the hands of these people is not on my agenda! I don't plan on financing his next anti-American rant!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


While today's news outlets are loaded with reports about the Palestinians breaking through Egypt's tight borders with the Gaza Strip and bemoaning the fate of the impoverished Gaza population, Hamas sits back and continues its destruction of the area and its people. Hamas can afford to sit back, arms crossed militantly and arrogantly across its chest because the world sits back and ignores the fact that Hamas has caused the hardships in Gaza. Meanwhile, across the Israeli border, the city of Sderot prepares itself for another barrage of Kassam rockets that Hamas fires at it up to forty times a day.

We don't much read about those attacks on Sderot, and we rarely see photos of the concrete barriers residents have seven seconds to reach once the sirens alarm them to another attack. We don't see schoolchildren or office workers huddled in hallways, their heads covered to protect them from flying debris. We don't see pictures of Israeli women crying or Israeli children being hurt. We don't hear about newly made widows or newly made orphans in Israel. Let me quote Masha Rifkin, an American volunteer in Sderot who witnesses these attacks: "As I write this, Kassams are hitting Sderot. Children are screaming, mothers are collapsing in despair, and doctors are pulling shrapnel out of the bodies of Jews." We don't get news reports of this.

What the AP feeds us constantly in its uncompromisingly partisan coverage is that "a militant leader in Gaza" was killed in an Israeli attack. Usually there is a photo of a screaming Palestinian woman to show us how relentless the Israelis are. Forget the ceaseless attacks in Israel because Israeli lives do not matter in the AP's political agenda.

The AP is upset that the Gaza citizens, victims of Hamas and not of Israel (because the borders are closed to protect Israelis from Hamas), are heading toward Egypt, another of the Arab states that have left them to suffer since the Arabs refused a state of their own back in 1948. While Israel flourished and grew, no Arab state offered help to those who chose to leave. What the press likes to call "refugee camps" are full-blown cities--duh--we're talking 1948! But that's another story.

Just remember when you're reading about Gaza and Hamas, when you see photos of crying women and funerals that all of this can be avoided if Israel could stop defending itself against attacks from Hamas. Remember, too, that Jews die the same way other people do when their city is hit by random barrages of Kassam rockets. Hamas doesn't care who they target!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Elliot Spitzer is one of the worst governors New York has ever had. He is out to destroy this state. Though he's been stymied in some of his plans, every once in a while he sneaks something in, and it's never good. I'm not talking about the driver's license plan that even got Hillary in trouble. But he does not want us to identify illegals--that's for sure. He's out to make New Yorkers even less able to sort out legal residents from illegal ones and to make us pay for everyone--no questions asked. Fingerprinting, Spitzer feels, is a deterrent to applying for food stamps, so let's stop fingerprinting. Hmmmmmm I wonder why it's a deterrent. Hmmmmm

The state has stopped taking fingerprints from some working families that apply for foodstamps. New York has been fingerprinting since 1998 as a fraud prevention program, but what the H--Spitzer doesn't care if people are stealing undeserved benefits. If one adult in a family works 30 hours a week or two adults each work 20 hours a week, they will not have to be fingerprinted. That means they will not have to be identified. That means that if they are illegal or are applying for benefits to which they are not entitled, the government won't know. New York is soooooo rich (or so Spitzer apparently thinks) that we have money to toss into the wind. Citizens don't care. (Actually this might be true because they did elect Spitzer.)

That brings us to the poor way in which government manages any program, but hey, let's leave that topic for another day. But try to think of one government program that is run efficiently. Keep trying....Bet you can't come up with one before New York goes totally down the tubes

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


How come no one--the media, in particular--is screaming bloody murder about the disenfranchisement of Democratic voters in Michigan? This state lost more than jobs; it lost its right--at least as members of the Democratic Party--to participate in the selection of the Democratic candidate for President. When the state opted to move up its primary date, the Democratic Party stripped it of its delegates. Michigan will have no voice at the Democratic Convention without delegates.

Michigan is a perfect example of why we must have a representative government that responds to the individual states' as well as the country's needs. (Read the Federalist Papers to see our founders' original intent.) Michigan has issues not seen elsewhere, and those issues need to be addressed in a big way. They have the right to send people into government who represent them in dealing with their issues. They were robbed of the choice in the Democratic Party.

The media should be all over the Democrats for punishing the people of the state in this manner, and yet it's errily silent. Democrats like to pat themselves on the shoulder and blow hot air about their concern for the common man, and yet, given the chance, they rob the common man of his freedom and his vote. How's that for hypocrisy and big brother government? Do you trust or want the party to make up your mind for you?

If you trust the Democrats to stand up for you and your rights, look at Michigan as an example of where you stand, and write your representatives about this twisting of America in the hands of politicians.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Since 2005 Homeland Security is supposed to take care of securing our country from the inside out. We don't even know who is supposed to be here, who the citizens are, who the illegals are. One way to tell who is legal is supposed to be through tamper-proof IDs, maybe through tamper-proof drivers' licenses. Compliance dates keep changing. Now the target date for full compliance is 2014! Are they kidding!!!!!! (And you probably won't hear about this on the news!)

It's another example of Congress' lack of integrity and pandering propensities. Don't lose possible votes. BUT ALSO DON'T PROTECT THE COUNTRY!

The ACLU, that un-American group which fights searches everyplace but at their own offices where you have to be searched to enter and who muffles the free speech of their own members, fights against any kind of national ID. What will change in 2014?

There is a complaint that these IDs are an expensive transition. This is the same government who is going to give two $40.00 vouchers to eligible households to convert their analog television sets to digital. Hmmmmmm Let's put these two ways of spending money on the IMPORTANCE SCALE. Guess we can see what Congress thinks is more important. Vouchers, bridges to an island with fifty inhabitants and a host of other pork! Security is way down on the list for them!!!!

One more thing to consider: We've got military men and women in far flung places all over the world protecting our freedom and our interests. They put their lives at risk and their families on hold. They sacrifice for our country WHILE THE PEOPLE WE ELECT TO PROTECT US CANNOT DO THE SIMPLEST THING from the relative safety of Washington. Perhaps the Pentagon should have remained the way 9/11 terrorists left it as a reminder.

We've already got the technology for these ID cards. At the very least, current licenses should be replaced by tamper proof multi-use licenses as they expire. At the very best, the money being wasted to pander to constituents should be diverted into ways to protect constituents, and a mass effort should be launched to issue cards to be used for driving, voting, boarding passes, etc. The only right an ID infringes on is the right to get killed by some terrorist in the country illegally.

Let your Congressman and Senator (if they're even in DC) know how you feel.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I got this email, and I must include its contents here. Sorry I don't have the photos too, but just keep picturing Ronald Regan in your head.

You don't realize how much you miss him, until you read and remember some of the stuff he said and stood for:

"Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose." - Ronald Reagan

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." - Ronald Reagan

"Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U.S. was too strong." - Ronald Reagan

"I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandment's would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress." - Ronald Reagan

"The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination." - Ronald Reagan

"Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other." - Ronald Reagan

"The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program." - Ronald Reagan

"I've laid down the law, though, to everyone from now on about anything that happens: no matter what time it is, wake me, even if it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting." - Ronald Reagan

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan

"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." - Ronald Reagan

"Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book." - Ronald Reagan

"No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. - Ronald Reagan

"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan

Wednesday, January 9, 2008



Blame it on our rules of engagement. Blame it on those in charge--not so much those in charge of our armed forces but of members of Congress who really don't give a rat's tail about American military lives. As a nation, they say, we're not supposed to use our power. It makes us look bad. So we consistently get jerked around by countries that know we're all fluff and no substance. We just look stupid. But what's worse, it gets our kids killed!

Remember the "respect" we showed by not destroying the al-qaeda leaders because they were attending a funeral? We had aerial photos of these men who seek to kill us and destroy our way of life. But we let them go. How many young men and women--ours, England's, Iraq's--have died since then because of them? Seems like this is aiding and abetting.

When those Iranian boats made their aggressive movements, they should have been stopped. They should not have been allowed to float containers in the water. What if they had been bombs? And certainly, once they broadcast that our ship was going to explode, we should have blasted them right out of the water. Had they not been bluffing, had they really bombed us, how many sailors would have been killed or injured, and how much damage would our ship sustain? Remember the Cole.

It is the job of our officials to provide security for our citizens, and our military and navy are comprised of our citizens. Their lives should be of more importance than our rules of engagement indicate. Email your congressman and senator and tell them so!


The truth about the New Hampshire primaries has less to do with the pundits' predictions than with the third place finishers in each case.

Hillary's numbers haven't changed nationwide, and months ago Dick Morris pointed out that she has her core constituency, and her national numbers don't move up or down much of all. People know her and they've made up their minds despite her crocodile tears and Bill's role as whipping boy. (Give ME a break).

Her "landslide" was about two points. The polls didn't take into account the 17% that clueless Edwards gleaned. When he finally leaves the race, where will those 17% go? It won't be to Hillary. They'll be Obama votes, and that makes a big difference.

On the Republican side, McCain did very well. He talks big about security, and that grabs voters. But people have yet to be reminded of his immigration/amnesty (despite his denial) junk in league with the most liberal ideologues in Congress. Third place Mike Huckabee did not have the evangelical backing he needed to win in Iowa. Where will his votes go? I don't see them going to McCain. As the race gets tighter, the gloves will come off and the brass knuckles will come out. Guiliani has yet to really make his move, and if he hangs in there until Florida, American security will be a much bigger issue.

As Arte Johnson used to say, "Verrry interesting."

Saturday, January 5, 2008


The most horrendous ploy--oops, that's asking to be too specific in too wide a range of possibilities--pulled out of the Clinton black magic tricks hat is to suggest that Hillary is the only candidate to beat Republicans. That's what she says in New Hampshire after her "appear to be warm and cuddly" act backfired in Iowa and she had to go back to the cauldron.

We have a do-nothing Congress because its biggest concern is disabling anything Bush related, and now we have a presidential hopeful espousing more of the same. It doesn't matter which Democrat, just so we dump the Republicans and remove their voice from any part of the government. The differences in thinking between Democrats doesn't matter; only the name of the party does. (might bode well for Mike Bloomberg)

That's what Hillary calls change. Meanwhile on her podium she is flanked by Bill and Madeline Albright. There are no limits to how stupid the Clintons think the American people are. Of course, if Hillary gets in, the Clintons are right.

The other point is her suggestions about her strength. Why is she the only viable candidate? Obama beat her; Edwards beat her. Is she already pulling the race card regarding Obama--nothing direct but insinuating that America will pull back from electing a Black president? This is something to worry about. I don't think she is really worried about Edwards, but if Novak is right, the Clintons will stop at nothing.

This is going to be an ugly race. Maybe the American people will finally be fed up with the shenanigans and send the entire group packing! Again.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


It's the pander mating season. You can hear all the rutting noises as these political animals seek to attract their ilk and kith and kin (incest is all right here). Anything that means multiplying the offspring--the votes.

This morning Dennis Kucinich passed his second caucus vote to Obama. Two more votes for him.
Ralph Nader came out for one of the lowliest parasites on the election scene--John Edwards. On that level we're talking about the bottom feeders in the world. Edwards, who will "mate" with just about everyone, continues to suck up to the brain-dead on the far left by saying he will even pull out the people training the Iraqi police, etc. Hello bloodbath if Edwards gets elected. Then some future Jane Fonda (Penn, Sheen, Redford--if he's still with us) can blame the bloodbath on America. By that time Edwards will have retreated into his zillion $ mansion and once again forget the difference between the haves and have nots in America.
Hillary talks about corkscrewing (her term, not mine) down into Africa and not being offered tea on the tarmac. She forgot to mention that Chelsea, Sinbad, and other entertainment came with her on that trip--I guess to get equivalent international experience. I cannot stand the thought of listening to her laugh for four years. Makes the hair on my arm stand up.
The only thing I can hope for with these guys is that they're all sterile.